Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Cognitive Reserve as an Emerging Concept in Stroke Recovery

You mean YOU, YOUR MENTORS AND SENIOR RESEARCHERS ARE THAT FUCKING OUT-OF-DATE? No wonder stroke never gets closer to a solution, no one in stroke knows a damn thing from the past and builds on it.


Cognitive Reserve as an Emerging Concept in Stroke Recovery 

First Published February 24, 2020 Research Article

Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability. It is a complex and largely heterogeneous condition. Prognosis for variations in impairment and recovery following stroke continues to be challenging and inaccurate, highlighting the need to examine the influence of other currently unknown variables to better predict and understand interindividual differences in stroke impairment and recovery. The concept of “cognitive reserve,” a feature of brain function said to moderate the relationship between brain pathology and clinical outcomes, might provide a partial explanation. This review discusses the potential significance of cognitive reserve in the context of stroke, with reference to reduced burden of disability post stroke, health promotion, intervention and secondary prevention of cognitive impairment, ease and challenges of translation into clinical practice, prognosis and prediction of recovery, and clinical decisions and trial stratification. Discussions from the review aim to encourage stroke clinicians and researchers to better consider the role of premorbid, lifestyle-related variables, such as cognitive reserve, in facilitating successful neurological outcomes and recovery following stroke.

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