Sunday, March 29, 2020

Right side car entry

Drove in my car down to Florida in Feb. with a friend.  This meant that I got to ride passenger at times. That right side car entry brings a whole different set of problems, none of which were even practised in the car in the therapy department. Lifting the left leg in is not a problem but the left arm/hand stays to the left side of the left leg, Which then slides under my left butt cheek as I try to get my right leg in. My compensating solution is to sit on the seat, making sure my left arm is in my lap as I pivot and bring both legs in. This works for cars but while in Florida our hosts had a Chevy Silverado pickup which means grabbing the handle on the door post to lift myself up, get my left butt cheek on the seat, grab my left arm while trying not to fall out of the pickup, put it in my lap and swing both legs in. Nothing in this was ever mentioned, modeled or tried in therapy. I'm assuming car entry is an ADL and thus should have EXACT PROTOCOLS on how to do that.

Or the left side problems described here:

Drivers side car door closing

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