Friday, April 17, 2020

Home-based upper-extremity stroke therapy using a multiuser virtual reality environment: A randomized trial

But what was the efficacy of getting the upper limb fully recovered?  You are beating around the bush with your measurements of participation. Survivors don't fucking care about participation, they want to know results. Do this x number of times, get this result. Damn it all talk to survivors sometime. 

Home-based upper-extremity stroke therapy using a multiuser virtual reality environment: A randomized trial

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , Volume 101(2) , Pgs. 196-203.

NARIC Accession Number: J83110.  What's this?
ISSN: 0003-9993.
Author(s): Thielbar, Kelly O.; Triandafilou, Kristen M.; Barry, Alexander J.; Yuan, Ning; Nishimoto, Arthur; Johnson, Joelle; Stoykov, Mary E.; Tsoupikova, Daria; Kamper, Derek G..
Project Number: H133E070013.
Publication Year: 2020.
Number of Pages: 8.
Abstract: Study compared the participation and subjective experience of participants in both home-based multiuser (MU) virtual-reality therapy and home-based single-user (SU) virtual-reality therapy. Twenty stroke survivors with chronic upper-extremity impairment trained for 4 weeks in their home with the Virtual Environment for Rehabilitative Gaming Exercises (VERGE) system, developed to permit interactions among multiple users located remotely. Each participant used the SU mode for 2 weeks and the MU mode for 2 weeks. The order of presentation of SU and MU versions was randomized such that participants were divided into 2 groups, First MU and First SU. Arm displacement was measured during each session as the primary outcome measure. Secondary outcome measures included the time participants spent using the MU and the SU VERGE and te Intrinsic Motivation Inventory scores. The Fugl-Meyer Assessment of Motor Recovery After Stroke Upper Extremity (FMA-UE) score and compliance with prescribed training were also evaluated. Measures were recorded before, midway, and after the treatment. Activity and movement were measured during each training session. Arm displacement during a session was significantly affected the mode of therapy (MU: 414.6 meters, SU: 327.0 meters). Compliance was very high (99 percent compliance for MU mode and 89 percent for SU mode). Within a given session, participants spent significantly more time training in the MU mode than in the SU mode. FMA-UE score improved significantly across all participants. The results suggest that multiuser virtual-reality exercises may provide an effective means of extending clinical therapy into the home.

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Citation: Thielbar, Kelly O., Triandafilou, Kristen M., Barry, Alexander J., Yuan, Ning, Nishimoto, Arthur, Johnson, Joelle, Stoykov, Mary E., Tsoupikova, Daria, Kamper, Derek G.. (2020). Home-based upper-extremity stroke therapy using a multiuser virtual reality environment: A randomized trial.  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , 101(2), Pgs. 196-203. Retrieved 4/17/2020, from REHABDATA database.

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