Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Altered Corticomuscular Coherence (CMCoh) Pattern in the Upper Limb During Finger Movements After StrokeAltered Corticomuscular Coherence (CMCoh) Pattern in the Upper Limb During Finger Movements After StrokeAltered Corticomuscular Coherence (CMCoh) Pattern in the Upper Limb During Finger Movements After Stroke

I have zero understanding of anything here. 

Altered Corticomuscular Coherence (CMCoh) Pattern in the Upper Limb During Finger Movements After Stroke

  • Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Proximal compensation to the distal movements is commonly observed in the affected upper extremity (UE) of patients with chronic stroke. However, the cortical origin of this compensation has not been well-understood. In this study, corticomuscular coherence (CMCoh) and electromyography (EMG) analysis were adopted to investigate the corticomuscular coordinating pattern of proximal UE compensatory activities when conducting distal UE movements in chronic stroke.
Fourteen chronic stroke subjects and 10 age-matched unimpaired controls conducted isometric finger extensions and flexions at 20 and 40% of maximal voluntary contractions. Electroencephalogram (EEG) data were recorded from the sensorimotor area and EMG signals were captured from extensor digitorum (ED), flexor digitorum (FD), triceps brachii (TRI), and biceps brachii (BIC) to investigate the CMCoh peak values in the Beta band. EMG parameters, i.e., the EMG activation level and co-contraction index (CI), were analyzed to evaluate the compensatory muscular patterns in the upper limb.
The peak CMCoh with statistical significance (P < 0.05) was found shifted from the ipsilesional side to the contralesional side in the proximal UE muscles, while to the central regions in the distal UE muscle in chronic strokes. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed in both peak ED and FD CMCohs during finger extensions between the two groups. The unimpaired controls exhibited significant intragroup differences between 20 and 40% levels in extensions for peak ED and FD CMCohs (P < 0.05). The stroke subjects showed significant differences in peak TRI and BIC CMCohs (P < 0.01). No significant inter- or intra-group difference was observed in peak CMCoh during finger flexions. EMG parameters showed higher EMG activation levels in TRI and BIC muscles (P < 0.05), and higher CI values in the muscle pairs involving TRI and BIC during all the extension and flexion tasks in the stroke group than those in the control group (P < 0.05).
The post-stroke proximal muscular compensations from the elbow to the finger movements were cortically originated, with the center mainly located in the contralesional hemisphere.


Post-stroke motor recovery is usually associated with the cortical reorganization and adaptive learning experiences (1). Cerebral plasticity is the process by which the human body reorganizes neural networks and pathways after a stroke. Existing studies have found that the majority of motor recovery observed via cerebral plasticity reaches a plateau within the first 6 months after the onset (2, 3). Patients with chronic stroke (first onset over 6 months) regain the independence of the activities of daily living but always sustain upper extremity (UE) motor dysfunctions, e.g., muscle weakness, spasticity, and discoordination (4). Specifically, patients' distal UE segments, e.g., fingers and wrist, usually exhibit poorer functional recovery than the proximal elbow and shoulder parts (5). In our previous study (6, 7), we found that the dyscoordination observed following chronic stroke was particularly evident during distal UE joint motion tasks, and that stroke patients frequently relied on compensatory contractions from proximal UE muscles to substitute for a loss or reduction in hand function. However, Jones concluded that proximal compensations can be mistaken for recovery and constrain the potential motor restoration at the distal segments, leading to “learned non-use” or “learned dis-use” (8). Although such post-stroke behavioral deviation can further exacerbate motor impairments, the interaction between the cortical plasticity in chronic stroke and the dynamic muscular coordination in the upper limb has not yet been well-investigated.
Previous neuroimaging studies on motor restoration after stroke using positron emission tomography (PET), functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) imaging, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) have identified that post-stroke patients exhibit a reduction in brain activities at the lesioned side and a propensity to recruit the contralesional motor cortex when conducting tasks involving the arms (911). However, these methods were limited by the low temporal resolutions to reveal the transient relationship between the cortical and muscular dynamics in the investigation of the post-stroke compensatory mechanism to activate proximal muscle contractions in compensation for distal movements in the upper limb.
Electroencephalogram (EEG) and electromyogram (EMG) can capture faster dynamics in the cortex and peripheral muscles, respectively, comparing with the imaging techniques mentioned above. Furthermore, previous studies have found that the coherence between the two parameters can result in the demonstration of time-based functional connections in the neuromuscular pathways when subjects perform specific motion tasks (12, 13). This also makes it possible to identify the location of cortical sources and trace the neuroplasticity after stroke according to the coherence topography (14). The coherence between EEG and EMG was first described by Salenius et al. (15) and Gerloff et al. (16), who referred to it as corticomuscular coherence (CMCoh) to reflect voluntary descending control from the primary motor cortex to the effector muscles. Coherence can be calculated using both EEG and EMG signals, and it is typically observed within the frequency range of 13–30 Hz (Beta band) during the execution of steady-state isometric contraction and phasic movements (17). The maximum value (i.e., the peak CMCoh) denotes the most significant neuromuscular coupling of the coherent activities and location of the central generator over the whole motor cortex (18, 19). Mima et al. (20) first reported the topographical shift of CMCoh from the lesional side to the contralesional side observed among chronic stroke patients, which may be due to the contribution of lateral and/or medial premotor area control made to the muscles, as suggested by previous PET and electrocorticographic studies (2123). Furthermore, the neuromuscular coupling between cortical commands and consequent muscle activities indicated by CMCoh values is usually not evident immediately after a stroke; rather, it seems to increase throughout the course of the recovery process gradually. Fang et al. (24) and Larsen et al. (25) reported that the CMCoh values in patients with acute and subacute stroke were weaker than those observed in unimpaired controls, while Chen and colleagues (26) found patients with chronic stroke demonstrated higher CMCoh values from the UE flexors than those in a control group. These studies have consistently indicated that data pertaining to the intensity and location of peak coherence could be employed to estimate the muscle representation areas after neural reorganization following stroke. However, most of the CMCoh studies on stroke patients to date investigating the cerebral-derived control on distal UE segments have been limited to EMG recording from distal muscles, e.g., the extensor carpi radialis muscle (19) or its antagonist muscle flexor carpi radialis (27) in wrist extension at the affected side. Rare studies have employed CMCoh to investigate the contractions of proximal muscles to compensate for distal motions, which could be traced back to a cortical-originated alteration in muscular discoordination at the peripheral.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the corticomuscular coordination pattern in the upper limb muscles during distal finger movements at the affected side of patients with chronic stroke, via a combination of EEG and EMG measurements.

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