Friday, May 15, 2020

New advances in mechanomyography sensor technology and signal processing: Validity and intrarater reliability of recordings from stroke muscles

After you have measured the quality of the movement via mechanomyography, WHAT THE HELL ARE THE NEXT STEPS TO GET 100% RECOVERED? Don't know, then you didn't do your research properly and your mentors and senior researchers need to be fired. 

Nothing here will get any survivor closer to recovery. Useless. 

Oops, I'm not playing by the polite rules of Dale Carnegie,  'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. 

Politeness will never solve anything in stroke. Yes, I'm a bomb thrower and proud of it. Someday a stroke "leader" will ream me out for being truthful, I look forward to that day.


New advances in mechanomyography sensor technology and signal processing: Validity and intrarater reliability of recordings from stroke muscles

Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering , Volume 7 , Pgs. 1-8.

NARIC Accession Number: J83529.  What's this?
ISSN: 2055-6683.
Author(s): Meagher, Claire ; Franco, Enrico ; Turk, Ruth ; Wilson, Samuel ; Steadman, Nathan ; McNicholas, Lauren ; Vaidyanathan, Ravi ; Burridge, Jane ; Stokes, Maria.
Publication Year: 2020.
Number of Pages: 8.


Study examined the validity and reliability of using mechanomyography to assess the quality of movement of the stroke-affected upper-limb. The gold standard for measuring muscle activity is electromyography; however, mechanomyography offers an appropriate alterative for home-based rehabilitation. In 18 healthy adults (27-82 years), mechanomyography and electromyography recordings were taken from the forearm flexor and extensor muscles during voluntary contractions. Isometric contractions were performed at different percentages of maximal force to examine the validity of mechanomyography. Root-mean-square of mechanomyography and electromyography was measured during 1-second epocs of isometric flexion and extension. Dynamic contractions were recorded during a tracking task on two days, one week apart, to examine reliability of muscle onset timing. Reliability of mechanomyography onset was high (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.78) and was comparable with electromyography (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.79). The correlation between force of contraction and mechanomyography was high. Results indicate that the mechanomyography device records valid and reliable signals of mechanical muscle activity on different days.

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Citation: Meagher, Claire , Franco, Enrico , Turk, Ruth , Wilson, Samuel , Steadman, Nathan , McNicholas, Lauren , Vaidyanathan, Ravi , Burridge, Jane , Stokes, Maria. (2020). New advances in mechanomyography sensor technology and signal processing: Validity and intrarater reliability of recordings from muscle.  Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering , 7, Pgs. 1-8. Retrieved 5/15/2020, from REHABDATA database.

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