Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Stuck on enormity - but what about stroke?

Yep, solving stroke is a BHAG(Big Hairy Audacious Goal.

Which is why you break it down into smaller parts. Choose one of the 5 causes of the neuronal cascade of death in the first week and just focus on that. Or tackle one of these 13 problems in stroke. This is so fucking simple, it is called creating a strategy to solve stroke. We can't allow researchers to willy nilly choose their stroke research, it has to be directed to the goal of 100% recovery. Which is why biomarkers and recovery prediction should never be researched, they assume the status quo will not change.  The status quo in stroke needs to be destroyed. Another great blog post by Seth Godin.

Stuck on enormity 

When a problem appears too large, too intractable and too unspeakable to deal with, it’s easy to give up.
There never seems to be enough time, enough resources or enough money to make the big problems go away.
Perhaps we can start with a very small part of it. One person, one opportunity, one connection.
Drip by drip, with commitment.
Those are the two hard parts. The insight to do it drip by drip and the persistence to commit to it.

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