Sunday, July 19, 2020

Dr. Watson for stroke

Since no human is actively trying to solve stroke we should enlist Dr. Watson to analyze all the stroke research out there and create a strategy on running research that will lead to 100% recovery. 

Other Dr. Watson medical uses in here.


Seth Godin has a good take on this in here:

Commercial vulnerability 

The paragraph I am focusing on;

What if the work you do is:




not based on innovative or flexible customer interaction…

If it is, it’s pretty likely that you’ll be replaced by a combination of robots, AI and outsourcing.

Everything in stroke should become standardized.  Using the crapola quotation; 'All strokes are different, all stroke recoveries are different.' That requires laughing in their face, stating; 'You know absolutely NOTHING ABOUT STROKE, do you?'

1. First there is the objective diagnosis which points you to the intervention protocols to be used to fix that diagnosis.

2.  The rehab protocols contain EXACT instructions and EXACT NUMBER OF REPETITIONS.  None of this guideline crapola or clinician's expertise . 

3. Doing the first two steps correctly leads to the intended result; Recovery from the disability.


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