Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Effect of the Computer-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation Program (CoTras) on the Cognitive Function and Daily Living Activities of Elderly Stroke Patients

If you want to read the full 10 page PDF you'll have to know Korean. I assume elderly is defined in here somewhere.

The Effect of the Computer-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation Program (CoTras) on the Cognitive Function and Daily Living Activities of Elderly Stroke Patients

Kim Minho, OT1 Park Jemin, OT, M.S2⧧ Lee Najung, OT, M.S3 1 Daonwellness, Director 2⧧Keunsol Hospital, Occupational Therapist 3 We Occupational Therapy Institute, Director


The objective of the current study was to evaluate the impact of the Computer-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation Program (CoTras) on the cognitive function and daily living activities of elderly and adult stroke patients.
Twenty stroke patients were divided into two groups comprising 10 elderly stroke patients and 10 adult stroke patients. The CoTras was applied as the intervention for 30 minutes at a time, three times a week, for nine weeks (i.e., a total of 27 times), to both groups. The Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination was used to assess cognitive function, and the Functional Independence Measure was utilized to evaluate daily living activities, prior to, during, and after the intervention.
The CoTras was demonstrated to have a statistically significant and positive effect on the cognitive function and daily living activities of stroke patients. However, the effect of the program on the restoration of weight-shifting capacity, as a component of the daily living activities of stroke patients, was without statistical significance. The program had a greater influence on improving the cognitive function and daily living activities of elderly stroke patients than adult stroke patients.
This study makes a meaningful contribution to the literature on the topic as the intervention was demonstrated to lead to a more significant recovery of cognitive function and daily living activities in elderly stroke patients, compared to adult patients. Therefore, it is proposed that the CoTras should be used as a clinical intervention for elderly stroke patients. Future studies that evaluate the application of the CoTras, along with other occupation-based intervention programs, are warranted

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