Sunday, August 2, 2020

An update on predicting motor recovery after stroke

This is pretty much totally fucking useless. Predicting the current minimal recovery does no one any good. Now if you had 100% recovery protocols then your patients would be happy and do whatever was necessary to recover. Including 10 million repetitions.   This totally assumes that survivors are OK with the tyranny of low expectations your stroke medical team is pushing.  FUCKING NOT OK!

Oops, I'm not playing by the polite rules of Dale Carnegie,  'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. 

Politeness will never solve anything in stroke. Yes, I'm a bomb thrower and proud of it. Someday a stroke 'leader' will ream me out for making them look bad by being truthful , I look forward to that day. 

The latest here:


An update on predicting motor recovery after stroke

2014, Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine
Literature review/Revue de lalitte´rature
An update on predicting motor recovery after stroke
 Nouveaute´ s surlare´ cupe´ rationmotriceapre`s AVC
C.M.Stinear a,b,*,1,W.D.Byblow b,c,1,
S.H.Ward c 
a Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory, Department of Medicine, University of Auckland,
 Private Bag, 92019 Auckland, New Zealand
b Centre for Brain Research, University of  Auckland,
 Private Bag, 92019 Auckland, New Zealand
c Movement Neuroscience Laboratory, Department of Sport and Exercise Science, University of Auckland,
 Private Bag, 92019 Auckland, New Zealand
Received 9 August 2014;accepted 9 August 2014


Being able to predict an individual’s potential for recovery of motor function after stroke may facilitate the use of more effective targeted rehabilitation strategies, and management of patient expectations and goals.(Wrong, wrong, wrong. You're using the tyranny of low expectations to justify YOUR FAILURE to have 100% recovery protocols. DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL.)This review summarises developments since 2010 of approaches based on clinical, neurophysiological and neuroimaging measures for predicting individual patients’ potential for upper limb recovery. Clinical assessments alone have low prognostic accuracy. Transcranial magnetic stimulation can be used to assess the functional integrity of the corticomotor pathway, and has some predictive value but is not superior when used in isolation due to its low negative predictive value. Neuroimaging measures can be used to assess the structural integrity of descending white matter tracts. Recent studies indicate that the integrity of corticospinal and alternate motor tracts in both hemispheres may be useful predictors of motor recovery after stroke. The PREP algorithm is currently the only sequential algorithm that combines clinical, neurophysiological and neuroimaging measures at the subacute stage to predict the potential for subsequent recovery of upper limb function. Future research could determine if a similar algorithmic approach may be useful for predicting the recovery of gait after stroke.
# 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. 

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