Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Brain activation is related to smoothness of upper limb movements after stroke

I absolutely hate the wishy-washy words being used. That signals to me that this is nowhere close to being a useful protocol.  


Brain activation is related to smoothness of upper limb movements after stroke

 Floor E. Buma 1,2
Joost van Kordelaar 3
Matthijs Raemaekers 2
Erwin E. H. van Wegen 3
Nick F. Ramsey 2
Gert Kwakkel 3,4
 1  Center of Excellence for Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Centre De Hoogstraat, Rembrandtkade 10, 3583TM Utrecht, The Netherlands
2  Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, UMC Utrecht, PO Box 85060, 3508AB Utrecht, The Netherlands
3  Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, MOVE Research Institute Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, PO Box 7057, 1007MB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
4  Amsterdam Rehabilitation Research Center, Reade Centre for Rehabilitation and Rheumatology, PO Box 58271, 1040HG Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Received: 9 June 2015 / Accepted: 20 December 2015 © The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at
 It is unclear whether additionally recruited sensorimotor areas in the ipsilesional and contralesional hemisphere and the cerebellum can compensate for lost neuronal functions after stroke. The objective of this study was to investigate how increased recruitment of second-ary sensorimotor areas is associated with quality of motor control after stroke. In seventeen patients (three females, fourteen males; age: 59.9

 12.6 years), cortical activation levels were determined with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in 12 regions of interest during a finger flexion–extension task in weeks 6 and 29 after stroke. At the same time points and by using 3D kinematics, the quality of motor control was assessed by smoothness of the grasp aperture during a reach-to-grasp task, quantified by normalized jerk.

 cerebellum, as well as the contralesional supplementary motor area, insula and cerebellum, correlated significantly and positively with the normalized jerk of grasp aperture at week 6 after stroke. A positive trend towards this correlation was observed in week 29. This study suggests that recruitment of secondary motor areas at 6 weeks after stroke is highly associated with increased jerk during reaching and grasping. As jerk represents the change in acceleration, the recruitment of additional sensorimotor areas seems to reflect a type of control in which deviations from an optimal movement pattern are continuously corrected. This relationship suggests that additional recruitment of sensorimotor areas after stroke may not correspond to restitution of motor function, but more likely to adaptive motor learning strategies to compensate for motor impairments.
Outcomes of neurorehabilitation after stroke are variable and depend largely on the intensity and task specificity of the intervention applied as well as the severity of initial impairment at stroke onset (Langhorne et al. 2011). For the paretic upper limb in particular, treatment effects are mainly restricted to patients with some voluntary control of finger extension after stroke (Kwakkel and Kollen 2013; Langhorne et al. 2011). These findings suggest that there is a need for a better understanding of the neuronal mechanisms underlying functional recovery after stroke.Task-related recruitment of secondary sensorimotor areas in the affected and non-affected hemisphere has been associated with poor motor recovery in terms of body  functions and activities (Buma et al. 2010; Ward et al. 2004). It is therefore unlikely that secondary sensorimotor areas are able to take over the functions of the primary injured motor areas (Buma et al. 2010; Ward et al. 2004). Recruitment of these additional areas may rather reflect support in the execution of compensatory motor control while performing a motor task with the paretic upper limb.However, it is still unclear how brain activation pat-terns are associated with quality of upper limb control after stroke (Buma et al. 2013). Most traditional clinical assess-ment scales are not suitable for capturing
 patients perform functional tasks. By contrast, 3D kinematics can assess intralimb coordination and smoothness of movement patterns, which are important characteristics of quality of motor control.A recent study with intensive repeated 3D kinematic measurements in the first 6 months after stroke suggested that basic synergistic couplings between the shoulder and elbow during a functional reaching task diminished as a function of time after stroke (van Kordelaar et al. 2013). This suggests that the ability to plan movements in advance (i.e. feed forward motor control) may improve, thereby decreasing the continuous online corrections based on proprioceptive feedback (van Kordelaar et al. 2014; Meu-lenbroek et al. 2001). Such corrections based on afferent information have been shown to negatively affect the smoothness of hand and finger movements (Merdler et al. 2013). An important measure to quantify smoothness is normalized jerk. Jerk is the third time derivative of the position of a particular body part. Normalized jerk is obtained by correcting for differences in movement duration and movement distance (Caimmi et al. 2008). As high smoothness is reflected by minimal changes in position, smoothness is inversely related to normalized jerk. We have recently shown that this jerk measure decreases (i.e. smoothness increases) substantially in the first 8 weeks after stroke (van Kordelaar et al. 2014) and levels off up to 26 weeks after stroke, suggesting that jerkiness is a sensitive measure to investigate time-dependent changes in quality of motor control, particularly early after stroke. However, due to a lack of studies combining imaging techniques with kinematic analyses, the neurological mechanisms underlying the recovery of smoothness of upper limb movements are still largely unknown.We hypothesized that elevated recruitment of secondary sensorimotor areas would be associated with jerky movements. This hypothesis was tested by investigating the association between smoothness of finger movements during a reach-to-grasp task, measured with 3D kinematics, and activation levels in sensorimotor networks of the brain during a finger flexion–extension task, measured with functional MRI (fMRI) (Buma et al. 2010). There are strong indications that the potential for neural adaptation is mainly limited to a time window of 10 weeks after stroke in which most spontaneous neurological recovery occurs (Murphy and Corbett 2009; Langhorne et al. 2011). We tested the association between brain activation and smoothness of finger movements at 6 and 29 weeks after stroke, to assess whether this association changes with time after stroke (Buma et al. 2010; van Kordelaar et al. 2014). 

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