Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Novel design for a dynamic ankle foot orthosis with motion feedback used for training in patients with hemiplegic gait: a pilot study

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Novel design for a dynamic ankle foot orthosis with motion feedback used for training in patients with hemiplegic gait: a pilot study




We designed a novel ankle foot orthosis (AFO), namely, ideal training AFO (IT-AFO), with motion feedback on the hemiparetic lower limb to improve ambulation in individuals with stroke-related hemiplegia. We, therefore sought to compare the kinematic parameters of gait between IT-AFO with and without dynamic control and conventional anterior-type AFO or no AFO.


Gait parameters were measured using the RehaWatch® system in seven individuals with hemiplegia (mean 51.14 years). The parameters were compared across four conditions: no AFO, conventional anterior AFO, IT-AFO without dynamic control, and IT-AFO with dynamic control, with three trials of a 10-m walk test for each.


The dorsiflexion angle increased during the swing phase when the IT-AFO was worn, and it was larger with dynamic control. These data can confirm drop foot improvement; however, the difference between the parameters with- and without-AFO control conditions was not significant in the swing phase. The IT-AFO with or without dynamic control enhanced the loading response to a greater extent between the hemiparetic and unaffected lower limbs than conventional AFO or no AFO. The duration of the stance phase on the hemiparetic lower limb was also longer when using IT-AFO with and without dynamic control than that when using conventional AFO, which improved asymmetry. User comfort and satisfaction was greater with IT-AFO than with the other conditions.


The IT-AFO with dynamic control improved gait pattern and weight shifting to the hemiparetic lower limb, reducing gait asymmetry. The difference with and without dynamic control of IT-AFO is not statistically significant, and it is limited by sample size. However, this study shows the potential of IT-AFO in applying positive motion feedback with gait training.

Trial registration

Taipei Medical University-Joint Institutional Review Board. N201510010. Registered 12 February 2015.


An ankle foot orthosis (AFO) is a commonly used device to improve gait in patients with stroke-related hemiplegia [1]. An AFO provides physical support to the ankle joint and foot [2], with the aim of improving weight-bearing on the affected lower limb. It is estimated that over 4 million people in the United States use an AFO for gait-related impairments [3]. The American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics, Inc. (ABC) reported that in 2016, 74.2% of orthotists’ time was spent in fabricating lower limb orthoses, with AFOs accounting for 36% of these devices. Similarly, in 2014, the Social and Family Affairs Administration in Taipei reported that the highest proportion of subsidies were for AFOs [4].

Stroke is the most common indication for AFO prescription. A stroke is defined as the death of brain cells caused by cerebral ischemia, which results in a wide range of motor impairments, including gait impairment [5]. The prevalence of stroke is approximately 19.3 per 1000 people aged over 35 years in Taiwan [6]. In the United Sates, it is estimated that 795,000 people sustain a new or recurrent stroke every year [7]. Gait function is often affected in stroke survivors [8,9,10], with AFOs recommended to improve the position of the foot and ankle during the gait cycle [11]. A retrospective analysis concluded that the prevalence rate of AFO use after a stroke was 30.7% in Japan in 2015, with a better Functional Independence Measure score at discharge among patients who were prescribed an AFO than that in patients who did not use an AFO for gait retraining [12].

Conventional AFOs are used to restrict ankle plantarflexion, thus maintaining the hemiparetic foot in a position of dorsiflexion to facilitate swing [13]. However, this restriction in ankle movement disrupts the rhythm of gait and increases energy consumption during walking [14,15,16]. To alleviate this issue, hinge AFOs were developed to allow some dorsiflexion during the loading response on the affected lower limb, thus slightly reducing the energy cost of hemiparetic gait [17]. Elastic materials (such as carbon fibers) have been included in some AFO designs to provide an assistive function to further reduce energy expenditure [18, 19]. Mechanical features (such as dampers and springs) as well as electronic components (such as magnetorheological braking systems, force and position sensors, accelerometers, and microprocessors) have been included in the hinge to try and improve control over ankle motion [19, 20]. However, to the best of our knowledge, an AFO has not been developed with the specific aim of providing motion feedback for gait training.

Typically, physical therapists use hands-on activities as feedback to facilitate normal movement patterns in conventional gait training [21]. Recently several devices provide “reminding” external feedback for improving gait performance, such as stance-feedback to increase the stance time on the affected side or swing-feedback to decrease the swing time on the affected side [22, 23]. Therefore, we designed an AFO with novel motion feedback mechanism, which is performed by recognition execution of motor learning.

In this study, we describe a novel type of AFO, the ideal training AFO (IT-AFO), which we developed at Taipei Medical University and customized in a patient-specific manner using 3-dimensional (3D) printing for fabrication [24, 25]; it optimizes the alignment of the hinge with the axis of motion of the ankle in the sagittal plane. The IT-AFO includes a dynamic component designed specifically to provide motion feedback during walking. This mechanism design is based on changes in the ankle angle during the gait cycle [26]. There are two dynamic components on both sides of one IT-AFO, and each dynamic component contains a one-way damper (1 Ns/m) and a spring (0.625 kgf), shown in Fig. 1a. Springs are only used to restore components while dampers provide the main plantarflexion resistance. However, springs provide very little plantarflexion resistance during the swing phase (Fig. 1b). Springs can retract the straps when in the stance phase with sufficient weight shifting to the affected side resulting in component restoration (Fig. 1c). Insufficient weight shifting to the affected side decreases the ankle dorsiflexion angle, because straps are still tight when in the stance phase, thus impeding component restoration (Fig. 1d) (straps are still tight because of insufficient ankle dorsiflexion). Users will feel more assisted force on the swing phase after every step with sufficient weight shifting to the affected side on the stance phase. Therefore, IT-AFO has potential for enhancing motor control recognition schema with gait training.

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