Saturday, September 19, 2020

Precise quantification of the time course of voluntary activation capacity following botulinum toxin injections in the biceps brachii muscles of chronic stroke survivors

All I can say is I got nothing from getting botox.

 Precise quantification of the time course of voluntary activation capacity following botulinum toxin injections in the biceps brachii muscles of chronic stroke survivors

 Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation , Volume 17(102)

NARIC Accession Number: J84240.  What's this?
ISSN: 1743-0003.
Author(s): Chandra, S. ; Afsharipour, B. ; Rymer, W. Z. ; Suresh, N. L..
Project Number: 90AR5019 (formerly H133P130013).
Publication Year: 2020.
Number of Pages: 17.
Abstract: Study quantified the time course of functional changes in voluntary muscle activity in stroke survivors who received intramuscular botulinum toxin (BT) injections as part of their clinical care plan for spasticity. Assessment of the effects of BT was based on the quantification of surface electromyogram (sEMG) recordings in the biceps brachii and of voluntary contraction force, spread over 12 weeks in three segments, starting with a preliminary session performed just prior to the BT injection. Eight subjects were studied for approximately 86 experimental recording sessions on both stroke-affected and contralateral sides. Results showed an initial reduction in force and sEMG in all subjects, followed by a trajectory with a progressive return to baseline over a maximum of 12 weeks. Three participants were able to complete only one to two segments. Slope values of the sEMG-force relations were also found to vary across the different time segments. While sEMG-force slopes provide assessments of force generation capacity of the BT injected muscle, amplitude histograms from novel sEMG recordings during the voluntary tasks provide additional insights about differential actions of BT on the overall motor unit population over time. The results indicate that there are potential short-term as well as long-term decrements in muscle control and activation properties after BT administration on the affected side of chronic stroke survivors. Muscle activation levels as recorded using sEMG, did not routinely return to baseline even at three months' post injection. Findings suggest that even 12 weeks after intramuscular BT injections, muscle recovery may not be complete, and may thereby contribute to pre-existing paresis.

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Citation: Chandra, S. , Afsharipour, B. , Rymer, W. Z. , Suresh, N. L.. (2020). Precise quantification of the time course of voluntary activation capacity following botulinum toxin injections in the biceps brachii muscles of chronic stroke survivors.  Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation , 17(102) Retrieved 9/19/2020, from REHABDATA database.

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