Friday, September 25, 2020

Damn it alll!

 At a friends house sitting in bed and can't keep the left arm in place on my lap. Keeps falling down. What the hell to do?  Fucking shit that there is no one in the wold I can talk to on this. Yes, this is after two bottles of sake and a bottle of red wine with a friend but that is normal, so why the fuck is my arm keep falling down?

1 comment:

  1. I'm much more affected by my stroke than you are by yours, but what has worked for me for nearly 8 years has been using my kids' old tae kwon do belts, and tying one around my waist with a slip hitch, then putting my hand in the loop. Keeps me from banging it when I am not paying attention to it because I'm doing something like folding the laundry. My husband actually has to tie the knot, but I have to have help getting dressed so he's there anyway.
