Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Associations between vascular function and tau PET are associated with global cognition and amyloid

My reading between the lines would suggest that you vastly increase cerebal blood flow.

But what EXACTLY is the best way to get better blood flow? And wouldn't you immediately want better blood flow to your brain now to try to prevent Alzheimer's?

So ask your doctor for EXACT PROTOCOLS to increase blood flow.  These posts contain my writings and ideas on increasing blood flow.  DO NOT FOLLOW THEM, I'M NOT MEDICALLY TRAINED. Your doctor supposedly is, so ask him/her. 

Or is it more important to deliver more oxygen to you brain?

Possible solutions: Obviously not vetted coming from me. Don't do them. 

Normobaric oxygen (10)

How to Improve Your Brain Function with An Oxygen Concentrator April 2018 

Or is it more important to increase the loading ability of red blood cells to carry more oxygen? 

Like this?

University of Glasgow Study Demonstrates the Ability of Oxycyte® to Supply Oxygen to Critical Penumbral Tissue in Acute Ischemic Stroke  August 2012

Or like this?

chronic cannabis users have higher cerebral blood flow and extract more oxygen from brain blood flow than nonusers. August 2017  

The latest here:

Associations between vascular function and tau PET are associated with global cognition and amyloid

Daniel Albrecht, A. Lisette Isenberg, Joy Stradford, Teresa Monreal, Abhay Sagare, Maricarmen Pachicano, Melanie Sweeney, Arthur Toga, Berislav Zlokovic, Helena Chui, Elizabeth Joe, Lon Schneider, Peter Conti, Kay Jann, Judy Pa and for the Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging Initiative


Tau pathology and vascular dysfunction are important contributors to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), but vascular-tau associations and their effects on cognition are poorly understood. We investigated these associations in male and female humans by conducting voxelwise comparisons between cerebral blood flow (CBF) and tau positron emission tomography (PET) images in independent discovery (cognitively normal (CN): 19; mild cognitive impairment (MCI)-risk: 43; MCI: 6) and replication (CN: 73; MCI:45; AD: 20) cohorts. In a subgroup, we assessed relationships between tau and soluble platelet-derived growth factor beta (sPDGFRβ), a CSF marker of pericyte injury. We tested whether CBF/sPDGFRβ-tau relationships differed based on Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) global cognition performance, or based on amyloid burden. Mediation analyses assessed relationships between CBF/sPDGFRβ, tau, and cognition.

Negative CBF-tau correlations were observed predominantly in temporal-parietal regions. In the replication cohort, early negative CBF-tau correlations increased in spatial extent and in strength of correlation with increased disease severity. Stronger CBF- and sPDGFRβ-tau correlations were observed in participants with greater amyloid burden and lower MoCA scores. Importantly, when stratifying by amyloid status, stronger CBF-tau relationships in individuals with lower MoCA scores were driven by amyloid-positive participants. Tau PET was a significant mediator CBF/sPDGFRβ-MoCA relationships in numerous regions.

Our results demonstrate vascular-tau associations across the AD spectrum and suggest that early vascular-tau associations are exacerbated in the presence of amyloid, consistent with a two-hit model of AD on cognition. Combination treatments targeting vascular health, as well as amyloid-β and tau levels, may preserve cognitive function more effectively than single-target therapies.


Emerging evidence demonstrates a role for vascular dysfunction as a significant contributor to Alzheimer’s pathophysiology. However, associations between vascular dysfunction and tau pathology, and their effects on cognition remain poorly understood. Multimodal neuroimaging data from two independent cohorts were analyzed to provide novel in vivo evidence of associations between cerebral blood flow (CBF), an MRI measure of vascular health, and tau pathology using PET. CBF-tau associations were related to cognition and driven in part by amyloid burden. Soluble platelet-derived growth factor beta (sPDGFRβ), an independent CSF vascular biomarker, confirmed vascular-tau associations in a subgroup analysis. These results suggest that combination treatments targeting vascular health, amyloid-β, and tau levels, may more effectively preserve cognitive function than single-target therapies.

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