Wednesday, October 14, 2020

“It's All Sort of Cool and Interesting…but What Do I Do With It?” A Qualitative Study of Stroke Survivors' Perceptions of Surface Electromyography

 If you wanted to do something useful you would measure survivors perceptions of their recovery. I'm sure you would get an earful unless you have already brainwashed them into accepting the tyranny of low expectations.

“It's All Sort of Cool and Interesting…but What Do I Do With It?” A Qualitative Study of Stroke Survivors' Perceptions of Surface Electromyography

  • 1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
  • 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States

Background: Stroke is one of the most common neurologic injuries worldwide. Over decades, evidence-based neurorehabilitation research and advancements in wireless, wearable sensor design have supported the deployment of technologies to facilitate recovery after stroke. Surface electromyography (sEMG) is one such technology, however, clinical application remains limited. To understand this translational practice gap and improve clinical uptake, it is essential to include stakeholder voices in an analysis of neurorehabilitation practice, the acceptability of current sEMG technologies, and facilitators and barriers to sEMG use in the clinic and the community. The purpose of this study was to foreground the perspectives of stroke survivors to gain a better understanding of their experiences in neurorehabilitation, the technologies they have used during their recovery, and their opinions of lab-designed and commercially-available sEMG systems.

Methods: A qualitative, phenomenological study was completed. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight stroke survivors (age range 49–78 years, 6 months to 12 years post-stroke) and two caregivers from a large metropolitan region. A demonstration of four sEMG systems was provided to gather perceptions of sensor design, features and function, and user interface. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and coded for analysis using constant comparison until data saturation was reached.

Results: Three themes emerged from the data: (1) “Surface EMG has potential….but…” highlights the recognition of sEMG as a valuable tool but reveals a lack of understanding and need for clear meaning from the data; (2) “Tracking incremental progress over days or years is important” highlights the persistence of hope and potential benefit of sEMG in detecting small changes that may inform neurorehabilitation practice and policy; and (3) “Neurorehabilitation technology is cumbersome” highlights the tension between optimizing therapy time and trying new technologies, managing cost, logistics and set-up, and desired technology features.

Conclusion: Further translation of sEMG technology for neurorehabilitation holds promise for stroke survivors, but sEMG system design and user interface needs refinement. The process of using sEMG technology and products must be simple and provide meaningful insight to recovery. Including stroke survivors directly in translational efforts is essential to improve uptake in clinical environments.


Over the past decades, there has been a prolific amount of research and development of technology to enhance both the understanding of neurologic injuries and the application of evidence-based neurorehabilitation interventions. Surface electromyography (sEMG) is one such technology that has undergone rapid advancement in development, but has yet to reach its full translational potential to help drive neurorehabilitation and maximize recovery. Understanding this translational gap must consider multiple factors across a complex landscape of healthcare provision, especially given the public/private healthcare model in the United States. Successful deployment of sEMG in clinical environments relies on an interaction of system design, funding, translational research findings, clinician training, and user acceptance, among many other factors. While user acceptance of neurorehabilitation technology is just a small piece of a much larger puzzle, it is an essential one, and a more explicit understanding of the perceptions and experiences of individuals with neurologic injury, such as stroke, is warranted to better understand the barriers, facilitators, and untapped potential of sEMG technology in clinical neurorehabilitation,

Stroke is one of the most common neurologic injuries worldwide (1, 2). Recent global statistics estimate nearly 14 million new instances of stroke annually; stroke related healthcare costs in the US alone have topped $750 billion annually and are projected to increase as a result of the aging population (3, 4). Further, the psychosocial and functional impacts of stroke are also significant, leading to stress, isolation, and potential comorbid health conditions (5, 6). While neurorehabilitation is a central feature of recovery for individuals with stroke, outcomes can be disparate and long-term impairment is common, further influenced by the extent to which stroke survivors have the geographic, financial, healthcare, and socio-emotional resources to maximize recovery following their injury (1). It is because of this significant impact of stroke at both individual and institutional levels that the field of neurorehabilitation must engage in a deeper exploration of the translation of advanced healthcare technologies into clinical settings to enhance our knowledge and provision of care during recovery from neurologic injuries.

Surface EMG today is used in research and clinical environments across a wide variety of physiological and engineering applications relating to rehabilitation, sport performance, occupational performance, and beyond (7). More specific to neurorehabilitation, foundational literature in the mid-twentieth century described sEMG as a useful tool to characterize neuromuscular patterns, demonstrated the relative contribution of different muscles in functional movement, and in some cases, assisted in prognosis of recovery following neurologic injury (8, 9). Across many subsequent decades, researchers have used sEMG to examine factors in participants with and without neurologic impairments such as interlimb coordination, muscle activation and co-activation patterns, response to biofeedback, and most recently, as a tool to determine treatment appropriateness and costs in stroke survivors with gait impairments (7, 1014). Despite these advances, a significant body of literature supporting the use of sEMG, and the establishment of expert guidelines for sEMG implementation through SENIAM (Surface EMG Non-Invasive Assessment of Muscles), a lack of clinical translation of sEMG technology has also been recognized by researchers (7, 1518).

One potential reason for the slow clinical uptake of sEMG and related neurorehabilitation technologies may be the paucity of perspectives in research from clinicians as providers of sEMG assessment or intervention, and individuals with neurologic conditions and their caregivers as recipients of sEMG assessment or intervention. Considering sEMG alongside other neurorehabilitation technologies more broadly, the literature is lacking a clear picture of how and how often these technologies are used in clinics across the US, and how technology users and their caregivers respond to the design, logistics of use, and output of the devices. However, user and caregiver perspectives are a key untapped resource in the design and implementation of rehabilitation technologies such as sEMG, and have the potential to richly contextualize the barriers and facilitators that affect technology acceptance and use. For example, within the broader realm of neurorehabilitation technology, Alt Murphy et al. (19) recently published a qualitative analysis of participant responses to a novel wearable sensor garment to monitor physiologic and movement parameters for individuals with stroke, Parkinson's Disease, or Epilepsy. The authors reported that responses to the upper body garment was acceptable, but participants noted challenges with fit and comfort and felt uncertain about consistent monitoring and privacy (19). Another study noted similar comfort issues with wearable sensors, but highlighted that despite the discomfort, participants preferred the automated data tracking features of the sensors compared to more time-intensive activities such as completing activity or symptom diaries (20).

Additional qualitative work with stroke survivors and clinicians has also explored perspectives and experiences of the rehabilitation process itself, as well as technologies such as virtual reality, gaming, robotic exoskeletons, or other wearable devices, but little work has focused specifically on sEMG (2129). One study included gaming as part of a structured, enriched rehabilitation environment, which garnered positive responses from participants who noted increased motivation to move as well as friendly competition between other participants on the unit (29). Perceptions of virtual reality systems varied, with one study reporting low rates of side effects but high rates of perceived exertion by stroke survivors (21), and another describing how users felt enjoyment and motivation using a novel technology they would not otherwise have had access to, but felt that the experiences with virtual reality did not translate into improved functional carryover (23). Many studies have examined robotic applications for stroke rehabilitation, but very few have included survivor perspectives. Those that have describe user priorities of cost, better movement quality, endurance, practicality, and appropriate training and support, but also highlight technology acceptance issues as a potential barrier for clinical or home use (3033). One set of studies investigated the preliminary use of sEMG as a control mechanism for a gaming system in chronic stroke survivors, finding significant pre and post intervention sEMG changes, and qualitative outcomes which indicated most participants would recommend neurogaming to others for enjoyment, despite a lack of reported functional carryover (26, 34). Our recent work has explored rehabilitation clinicians' perspectives of the use of sEMG in practice with individuals with neurologic conditions, who noted the potential benefits of objective recovery tracking, muscle training, and patient motivation, but also acknowledged barriers to sEMG use such as time, training, and access to funds and technical support for sEMG equipment (35).

The literature notes that the introduction of novel healthcare technologies into existing clinical practices can be challenging, as the process often disrupts engrained care routines (36). Resistance to new technology integration, as well as distinct ways of evaluating the utility of technology from professional and lay perspectives are common (37). This has consequences for both healthcare providers as well as patients. For example, healthcare providers have noted translational difficulties, including challenges with clearly communicating results to patients and using technology outputs to meaningfully guide treatment decisions. Patients have expressed uncertainty about the purpose of technology as a part of their care, and a failure to receive meaningful results from their providers (37). Applied to rehabilitation, it is reasonable to expect that there may be similar challenges when considering the implementation of sEMG technology, especially considering the introduction of a high-tech, objective, instrumented assessment tool juxtaposed with clinical standards that typically involve low-tech, subjective, scaled tools such as manual muscle testing or dynamometry. Experiences such as these underscore that clinician training, communication about technology intent, impact, and translational capacity to assist in healthcare decision-making are important factors to consider in improving uptake of technology in clinical settings.

The purpose of this early-stage study was to foreground the perspectives of stroke survivors and gain a better understanding of their experiences in neurorehabilitation, the technologies they have used during their recovery, and their introductory perceptions of one lab-designed prototype and three commercially available sEMG systems. Centering these perspectives is critical to understanding the barriers and untapped potential of sEMG and other neurorehabilitation technologies that may support the recovery of individuals with neurologic injuries. This qualitative work complements and builds upon past milestones in sEMG research across rehabilitation and engineering fields. It offers a preliminary look at baseline user perspectives to inform more robust research in the future, and provides a unique opportunity to leverage user-centered perspectives to support potential innovations in sEMG design, implementation, and outcomes.


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