Sunday, October 18, 2020

Relation of different fruit and vegetable sources with incident cardiovascular outcomes: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of prospective cohort studies

Why should we trust anything you say here since you don't know that stroke was removed from cardiovascular disease in 2006, now is considered a neurological disease. So only 14 years out of date, is your hospital up-to-date on this?

WHO reclassified stroke in 2006, now a neurological disease not cardiovascular disease?

The latest here:

Relation of different fruit and vegetable sources with incident cardiovascular outcomes: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of prospective cohort studies

Zurbau A, Au‐Yeung F, Mejia SB, et al
Journal of the American Heart Association|October 14, 2020

By performing this systematic review and meta‐analysis, researchers analyzed relevant prospective cohort studies in order to examine the association of fruit and vegetable sources with cardiovascular outcomes. They explored MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane through June 3, 2019. This analysis involved 81 cohorts with 4,031,896 persons and 125,112 cardiovascular events. Reduced cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, and stroke incidence was reported in relation to total fruit and vegetables, fruit, and vegetables. Among fruit sources, citrus, 100% fruit juice, and pommes were shown to confer greater benefits. Among vegetable sources, greater benefits were reported for allium, carrots, cruciferous, and green leafy. Overall, experts concluded that cardiovascular benefit is conferred by fruits and vegetables, with some sources related to greater benefit and none demonstrating an adverse link.

Read the full article on Journal of the American Heart Association.


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