Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Functional Tactile Object Recognition Test: A Unidimensional Measure With Excellent Internal Consistency for Haptic Sensing of Real Objects After Stroke

 You do realize that this is just an assessment and does fucking nothing to get survivors recovered? Nothing on next steps or protocols to be used to recover.


The Functional Tactile Object Recognition Test: A Unidimensional Measure With Excellent Internal Consistency for Haptic Sensing of Real Objects After Stroke

  • 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Social Policy, School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport, College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Trobe University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
  • 2Neurorehabilitation and Recovery, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia

Introduction: Our hands, with their exquisite sensors, work in concert with our sensing brain to extract sensory attributes of objects as we engage in daily activities. One in two people with stroke experience impaired body sensation, with negative impact on hand use and return to previous valued activities. Valid, quantitative tools are critical to measure somatosensory impairment after stroke. The functional Tactile Object Recognition Test (fTORT) is a quantitative measure of tactile (haptic) object recognition designed to test one’s ability to recognize everyday objects across seven sensory attributes using 14 object sets. However, to date, knowledge of the nature of object recognition errors is limited, and the internal consistency of performance across item scores and dimensionality of the measure have not been established.

Objectives: To describe the original development and construction of the test, characterize the distribution and nature of performance errors after stroke, and to evaluate the internal consistency of item scores and dimensionality of the fTORT.

Method: Data from existing cohorts of stroke survivors (n = 115) who were assessed on the fTORT quantitative measure of sensory performance were extracted and pooled. Item and scale analyses were conducted on the raw item data. The distribution and type of errors were characterized.

Results: The 14 item sets of the fTORT form a well-behaved unidimensional scale and demonstrate excellent internal consistency (Cronbach alpha of 0.93). Deletion of any item failed to improve the Cronbach score. Most items displayed a bimodal score distribution, with function and attribute errors (score 0) or correct response (score 3) being most common. A smaller proportion of one- or two-attribute errors occurred. The total score range differentiated performance over a wide range of object recognition impairment.

Conclusion: Unidimensional scale and similar factor loadings across all items support simple addition of the 14 item scores on the fTORT. Therapists can use the fTORT to quantify impaired tactile object recognition in people with stroke based on the current set of items. New insights on the nature of haptic object recognition impairment after stroke are revealed.


Our hands, with their exquisite sensors, work in concert with our sensing brain to extract sensory attributes of objects to interact with those objects as we engage in our daily activities. This ability is critical to tactually recognize objects (e.g., a cup from a jar), locate objects (e.g., locate a button from the background of the clothing on which it is fastened), appreciate the tactile features of objects (e.g., the shape and warmth of a child’s hand), and to connect with the people and objects that we interact with in the immediate (reachable) space around us.

The capacity underlying these tasks is commonly referred to as tactile (or haptic) object recognition. Tactile (haptic) object recognition is the ability to identify common objects through the use of touch without the aid of vision. Haptic object recognition relies on all the somatosensory inputs used by the tactile system and skin sensors in combination with information from position and movement sensors in joints and muscles and force receptors in tendons (Lederman and Klatzky, 1990, 2009). It involves extraction of various object attributes and the integration of that information to recognize what the object is. The sensory object attributes extracted include texture, shape, size, weight, temperature, hardness, and function/motion of objects (Lederman and Klatzky, 1987, 1990). Haptic perception typically involves active manual exploration. When people use their haptic system, they typically focus on their experiences of the external world and objects and their properties, such as roughness, shape, and weight (Lederman and Klatzky, 2009).

One in four adults are likely to suffer a stroke, based on the estimated global lifetime risk of stroke (Feigin et al., 2018). One in two stroke survivors experience impairment in the ability to receive and interpret body sensations such as touch, limb position sense, and to recognize objects through touch (Carey, 1995; Connell et al., 2008; Tyson et al., 2008; Carey and Matyas, 2011; Kessner et al., 2016). It is like the hand is blind (Turville et al., 2019). The person has difficulty holding and using simple objects such as a fork, and frequently learns not to use his/her hand. The impairment negatively impacts the person’s ability to interact with the world around them (Connell et al., 2014; Turville et al., 2019), hand function (Blennerhassett et al., 2007, 2008), goal-directed use of the arm (Jeannerod, 1997; Turville et al., 2017), and return to previous life activities (Carey et al., 2016b, 2018). It is associated with poorer functional outcome (Reding and Potes, 1988; Carey et al., 2016b), yet it is a “neglected” area of stroke rehabilitation (Kalra, 2010). Valid, quantitative measurement is critical to diagnose somatosensory impairment and assess change over time (Carey, 1995).

Assessment of the ability to recognize common objects through the sense of touch is important after stroke. It has face validity for the person with stroke and allows direct translation of capacity to the context of everyday tasks. Some measures have been developed to assess recognition of a subset of object features such as shape and size, often using a two-dimensional layout (Rosen and Lundborg, 1998) or arbitrary shapes (Kalisch et al., 2012). However, in the real world, we typically need to interact with three-dimensional (3D) common objects that have multiple sensory object features. Further, we know that real 3D common objects can be recognized very efficiently in non-neurologically impaired adults (Lederman and Klatzky, 1987). Haptic recognition of everyday objects is quite fast and highly accurate with 96% correctly named: 68% in less than 3 s and 94% within 5 s (Klatzky et al., 1985). Further, in using common objects, it may be important to not only recognize sensory features but also recognize the type of object, such as a drinking vessel (typically characterized by a cluster of object features).

Our overall objective was to develop a quantitative and psychometrically sound tool to measure the capacity of haptic object recognition using 3D common objects. Our approach involved two sub-aims:

1. To construct a quantitative measure of the ability to recognize everyday objects through touch, the functional Tactile Object Recognition Test (Part 1).

2. To evaluate the internal consistency of item scores and dimensionality of the functional Tactile Object Recognition Test, an evidence-based assessment to measure somatosensory impairment in the hand after stroke (Part 2).


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