Friday, November 27, 2020

Big Surprise: The Brain Can Recover Many Years After a Stroke

 This is great, but HOW DO YOU MAKE THIS EXACTLY REPEATABLE? If I were to try swimming now I would drown, so this person is definitely much higher functioning than me in regards to arm use.

Big Surprise: The Brain Can Recover Many Years After a Stroke


Most doctors think that after a patient has a stroke, recovery only happens for 6 months to a year; after that there is no point in continuing with rehabilitation therapy. We described a patient who had a severe stroke at age 15 and was left with a completely useless left hand. Then 23 years later, after he started swimming regularly to lose weight, he had some movement in the fingers of his left hand. He began intensive therapy with exercises using a special glove, and now, 37 years after the stroke, he is still improving. The way his brain “rewired” itself all over both sides of the brain is shown with a special imaging method called functional magnetic resonance imaging. This means that intensive physiotherapy and maybe new approaches to brain recovery including stem cell therapy, need to be tried much longer after the stroke than we used to think.


What most doctors believe is that after a stroke

, the patient can only recover for a short time, such as 6 months or a year. Young children who have strokes recover much better than people who have strokes as adults.

This is a story of a man who had a stroke at age 15 and had no use of his left hand until he began to recover 23 years later, after taking up swimming to try to lose weight [1]. He is still improving 37 years after the stroke. His story gives hope for recovery much later than we thought possible, and suggests that intensive physiotherapy, and maybe new approaches to brain recovery such as stem cell

therapy might improve recovery long after a stroke [25].


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