Friday, November 20, 2020

Effects of selectively assisting impaired subtasks of walking in chronic stroke survivors

 Can't tell if anyone tested here for spasticity.

Effects of selectively assisting impaired subtasks of walking in chronic stroke survivors



Recently developed controllers for robot-assisted gait training allow for the adjustment of assistance for specific subtasks (i.e. specific joints and intervals of the gait cycle that are related to common impairments after stroke). However, not much is known about possible interactions between subtasks and a better understanding of this can help to optimize (manual or automatic) assistance tuning in the future. In this study, we assessed the effect of separately assisting three commonly impaired subtasks after stroke: foot clearance (FC, knee flexion/extension during swing), stability during stance (SS, knee flexion/extension during stance) and weight shift (WS, lateral pelvis movement). For each of the assisted subtasks, we determined the influence on the performance of the respective subtask, and possible effects on other subtasks of walking and spatiotemporal gait parameters.


The robotic assistance for the FC, SS and WS subtasks was assessed in nine mildly impaired chronic stroke survivors while walking in the LOPES II gait trainer. Seven trials were performed for each participant in a randomized order: six trials in which either 20% or 80% of assistance was provided for each of the selected subtasks, and one baseline trial where the participant did not receive subtask-specific assistance. The influence of the assistance on performances (errors compared to reference trajectories) for the assisted subtasks and other subtasks of walking as well as spatiotemporal parameters (step length, width and height, swing and stance time) was analyzed.


Performances for the impaired subtasks (FC, SS and WS) improved significantly when assistance was applied for the respective subtask. Although WS performance improved when assisting this subtask, participants were not shifting their weight well towards the paretic leg. On a group level, not many effects on other subtasks and spatiotemporal parameters were found. Still, performance for the leading limb angle subtask improved significantly resulting in a larger step length when applying FC assistance.


FC and SS assistance leads to clear improvements in performance for the respective subtask, while our WS assistance needs further improvement. As effects of the assistance were mainly confined to the assisted subtasks, tuning of FC, SS and WS can be done simultaneously. Our findings suggest that there may be no need for specific, time-intensive tuning protocols (e.g. tuning subtasks after each other) in mildly impaired stroke survivors.


Robot-assisted gait training (RAGT) has been developed to improve therapy after neurological disorders (e.g. stroke) by providing intensive and task-specific training while decreasing physical load for therapists. The use of robotic devices can positively affect gait training after stroke, especially when combined with common physical therapy and in the most impaired patients in the (sub-)acute phase after stroke [1,2,3].

Previous studies suggest that RAGT can be further improved by personalizing training and promoting active participation since active participation is an essential factor in gait recovery and motor learning after stroke [4,5,6,7]. To improve active participation, various controllers, based on the assist-as-needed principle (AAN, i.e. only assisting the patient when needed), have been developed [8,9,10,11]. Some of these current AAN controllers either set a specific assistance level for the whole gait cycle, or they adjust the assistance for each instance of the gait cycle (e.g. each percentage) [7, 9, 12]. Others focus on assisting specific joints and intervals of the gait cycle that are related to impairments after stroke (also called subtasks) [10, 11, 13, 14]. The assistance is changed for these subtasks based on deviations from reference trajectories [11, 13]. Assistance is applied for the (most) impaired subtasks, while subtask-based assistance allows the user to move freely during other, non-assisted, portions of the gait cycle.

A better understanding about the exact effect of subtask-based assistance on gait is needed to help with manual assistance tuning (i.e. tuning done by therapists), and optimize controllers that automatically tune assistance during RAGT. Recently, we developed an automatically-tuned subtask-based controller and tested it in people with stroke and spinal cord injury [13]. This controller simultaneously adjusted the assistance for various subtasks of gait. However, whether interactions between subtasks affect this assistance tuning process is not known. For example, if the performance on one subtasks is limiting the overall gait performance, assistance on this subtask could lead to a widespread improvement on various other subtasks. In this case, only assistance on this ‘bottleneck’ subtask would be needed and not on each of the separate subtasks. We do not yet know whether these interactions occur and how they should be incorporated in the control.

In this study, we assessed the effect of assistance during walking for three of the most common impairments after stroke: (1) insufficient knee flexion during swing phase (foot clearance (FC) subtask), (2) increased knee flexion or hyperextension during stance phase (stability during stance (SS) subtask) and (3) problems with shifting the weight towards the paretic leg (weight shift (WS) subtask) [15, 16]. For each of these subtasks, only little is known about the effect on other intervals of the gait cycle and spatiotemporal parameters in stroke survivors:

Foot clearance (FC): Previous experiments in stroke survivors receiving foot clearance assistance in robotic gait trainers or using powered orthoses have also shown some effects, although minor, on other parts of the gait cycle. For example, foot clearance assistance in the LOPES I and LOPES II gait trainer resulted in an increase in knee and hip angles during the swing phase and a larger step height [12, 17]. No significant effects on other spatiotemporal gait parameters were found in these studies. In addition, Sulzer et al. [18] found a small increase in peak hip abduction (2°) when assisting knee flexion during the pre-swing phase with a powered knee orthosis (Series Elastic Remote Knee Actuator, SERKA).

Stability during stance (SS): To the best of our knowledge, so far no study investigated the effect of robotic assistance during the stance phase in stroke survivors [19]. In children with cerebral palsy, knee extension assistance did not lead to significant changes in step length and step width, however, an increase in peak stance knee and hip extension was found [20]. This shows the potential of SS assistance to also improve other aspects of walking.

Weight shift (WS): Only little is known about the effect of weight shift assistance. Next to improving lateral pelvis movement, weight shift assistance improved step length symmetry in a stroke survivor in LOPES II [10]. After incomplete spinal cord injury (injury level between C4 and T10), weight shift assistance with another robotic device also led to an increased step length in the weaker leg of the participants [21].

To sum up, sometimes small effects of assisting FC, SS and WS were found for specific subtasks in small groups of people with neurological disorders (1–9 participants per study). However, in most previous studies only a limited number of outcome measures were analyzed. The goal of the current study was to determine how robotic assistance for FC, SS and WS subtasks influences the gait pattern within one session. We analyzed the performance for various other subtasks and spatiotemporal gait parameters (e.g. step length, stance time). We expected that assistance for a specific subtask clearly improves performance for the assisted subtask, but could also influence other portions of the gait pattern. Findings from this study can lead to improvements in robotic gait training by optimizing assistance tuning and targeting assistance better towards the specific needs of the patient.


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