Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Cognitive Training for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Does your doctor have enough brain cells to see how this could be applied to stroke and recover your lost 5 cognitive years from the stroke?


Cognitive Training for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Kristin W. Samuelson1*, Krista Engle1, Linda Abadjian1, Joshua Jordan2, Alisa Bartel1, Margaret Talbot1, Tyler Powers1, Lori Bryan1 and Charles Benight1
  • 1Department of Psychology, National Institute for Human Resilience, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, CO, United States
  • 2Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States

Although there is evidence of mild cognitive impairments for many individuals with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), little research evaluating the effectiveness of cognitive training interventions has been conducted. This randomized controlled trial examined the effectiveness of a 9-h group cognitive training targeting higher-order functions, Strategic Memory Advanced Reasoning Training (SMART), compared to a 9-h psychoeducational control group in improving neurocognitive functioning in adults with mTBI and PTSD. A sample of 124 adults with histories of mild TBI (n = 117) and/or current diagnoses of PTSD (n = 84) were randomized into SMART (n = 66) or Brain Health Workshop (BHW; n = 58) and assessed at three time points: baseline, following training, and 6 months later. Participants completed a battery of neurocognitive tests, including a test of gist reasoning (a function directly targeted by SMART) as well as tests of verbal, visual, and working memory and executive functioning, functions commonly found to be mildly impaired in mTBI and PTSD. The two groups were compared on trajectories of change over time using linear mixed-effects models with restricted maximum likelihood (LMM). Contrary to our hypothesis that SMART would result in superior improvements compared to BHW, both groups displayed statistically and clinically significant improvements on measures of memory, executive functioning, and gist reasoning. Over 60% of the sample showed clinically significant improvements, indicating that gains can be found through psychoeducation alone. A longer SMART protocol may be warranted for clinical samples in order to observe gains over the comparison group.


Approximately 1.7 million traumatic brain injuries (TBI) occur in the United States each year (1, 2). The majority of those (75%) are mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI), which often involve physical, cognitive, and affective symptoms in the acute phase followed by resolution of symptoms after ~1 month (3). However, an estimated 10–20% of patients continue to report symptoms that persist months to years after the injury (4, 5) that have been associated with social and occupational dysfunction, including under-employment, low income, and marital problems (69). As such, identifying efficacious interventions for cognitive deficits related to mTBI is a priority.

In addition, mTBI is highly comorbid with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which represents a potential complicating factor in recovery. Among veterans with histories of TBI, rates of PTSD range from 33 to 65% (10, 11). PTSD has been associated consistently with mild neurocognitive deficits in a number of domains. Meta-analyses reveal significant differences between individuals with PTSD compared to healthy and trauma-exposed controls, representing medium to large effect sizes, in the domains of verbal learning and memory, processing speed, attention/working memory, and executive functions (12, 13). Moreover, patients with PTSD self-report cognitive problems with detrimental impacts on social and occupational functioning (1416).

Research on neuropsychological functioning in mTBI is less consistent, in part due to the heterogeneity in the criteria used to define mTBI, populations sampled, time since injury, and mechanisms of injury. Individuals with persisting post-concussive cognitive complaints have shown impairments in sustained attention (1719), divided attention (20), selective attention and inhibitory control (17, 21), cognitive flexibility and planning (8, 22, 23), processing speed (24), verbal memory (2528), and visual memory (18). In addition, even patients who report full recovery may continue to experience cognitive problems under conditions of physical or psychological stress (29). The high comorbidity of mTBI and PTSD presents the potential for greater impaired functioning. In studies examining mTBI and PTSD concurrently, the majority found that while PTSD was related to neuropsychological impairments, mTBI was not (3032). However, some studies have found a poorer performance profile in individuals with both mTBI and PTSD, as compared to those with mTBI or PTSD alone (21, 31). Given the overlap of structural and functional changes and neurocognitive deficits seen in both PTSD and mTBI [e.g., (33, 34)] there is a critical lack of investigations that evaluate cognitive rehabilitation approaches for these individuals. This paper attempts to fill this void.

Brain regions particularly vulnerable to both mTBI and PTSD are the frontal lobes, which are involved in learning and memory operations, executive functioning, attention and working memory, and reasoning abilities. The importance of frontal lobe function in neurological recovery after TBI is reflected in functions such as motivation, attention, and working memory that are prerequisites for optimal rehabilitation. Difficulties in these areas are considered poor prognostic indicators for TBI rehabilitation (35). Rehabilitation of frontal lobe functions is thus a crucial goal for enhancing recovery from brain injuries.

Prior studies have demonstrated that training-based rehabilitation therapy helps patients with neurological damage (3639). However, a major limitation of many rehabilitation studies is the lack of a theoretical foundation based on known mechanisms of brain function, which can serve to guide treatment development. The proliferation of computer-based technology over the past decade has led to the rise of the rehabilitative models that employ repeatable tasks and mass training. Despite their popularity, results on the efficacy of these restorative training programs have been mixed, and considerable debate remains regarding how to effectively restore cognitive capacities following TBI.

To date, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) aimed at improving cognitive functioning in patients with mTBI have shown limited effectiveness (4042). The research literature examining cognitive rehabilitation (CR) for mTBI has been limited by a lack of well-designed and sufficiently powered studies that fail to include control groups and functional outcomes (41, 43). RCTs aimed at treating cognitive symptoms in the post-acute or chronic stage are particularly lacking. A recent exception is a study that compared psychoeducation, computerized brain training, therapist-led CR, and a therapist-led CR/psychotherapy hybrid (40). The four interventions were equivalent in improving cognitive functioning, with between 23 and 33% of participants showing reliable change on the primary working memory outcome. The therapist-led CR and the integrated groups showed significantly greater improvements on a self-report of functional cognitive and behavioral difficulties (23 and 19%, respectively, in the two groups, showed reliable change) compared to psychoeducation and computerized brain training. However, these interventions were resource-intensive, with treatment consisting of daily therapy for 6 weeks.

Research examining CR for PTSD-related cognitive impairments is lacking. Recently, researchers tested the effectiveness of a computerized cognitive training program, a hybrid of Lumosity and MyBrainSolutions, in improving neurocognitive functioning in a sample of primarily motor vehicle accident survivors recruited from emergency rooms (44). Compared to the control group that engaged in computer games, card games, and matching tasks, the CR group showed significant improvements (Cohen's d = 0.58) in cognitive flexibility after 1 month of CR, assessed 3 months following the trauma. This study lends preliminary support for the use of cognitive training for PTSD, particularly in the acute phase, although less is known about the treatment of long-term cognitive impairments related to PTSD.

Researchers have argued that for rehabilitative interventions to be successful, they must target skills that are directly applicable to daily functioning, particularly for patients with more mild impairment levels, as is the case with mTBI and PTSD (45, 46). In addition, given the importance of frontal lobe functioning in both mTBI and PTSD, cognitive training must address higher-order, frontal lobe-mediated cognitive skills.

The development of Strategic Memory and Reasoning Training [SMART; (47, 48)] addressed this need, with the goal of targeting higher-order functions found to be crucial for the recovery following brain injury (49). Prior research has shown that when these specific brain functions are targeted, such as the ability to focus on a task while ignoring irrelevant information, brain changes are more significant (4951). SMART emphasizes top-down processing by targeting focused attention, assimilation of information, mental flexibility, and innovation, all higher-order cognitive functions driven by the frontal lobes. Other top-down cognitive training programs have demonstrated effectiveness in improving cognitive and daily functioning in individuals reporting more severe brain injuries (5053); however, limited research has been devoted to milder brain injuries.

The goal of SMART is to teach metacognitive strategies to enhance time and cognitive resource management through goal setting and the inhibition of distracting or irrelevant stimuli. In addition, it prioritizes deeper level synthesis of information to obtain the “gist” while encouraging fluid and flexible thinking (54, 55). Training in gist reasoning, or “the ability to strategically comprehend and convey generalized, core meaning(s) from complex information,” is a primary component of the SMART protocol [54, p. 2]. Strong gist reasoning minimizes the cognitive overload of competing stimuli in the environment and focuses on constructing meaning rather than remembering details. Gist reasoning impairments have been found in adults and adolescents with mild and moderate TBI (56, 57). In addition, gist reasoning is associated with frontal lobe activation and draws upon functions of inhibitory control, working memory, cognitive flexibility, abstract reasoning, and fluency (56, 58), domains often impaired in both TBI and PTSD.

The effectiveness of SMART has been tested in a number of studies of adults and adolescents with TBI. The typical SMART training consists of 15 h of training conducted over 10 group sessions in the first 5 weeks and a final 3 h of training at spaced intervals over the next 3 weeks. Vas et al. (59) conducted an RCT comparing SMART to a psychoeducational control (Brain Health Workshop; BHW) in adults with TBI histories of >2 years and moderate functional impairment. The majority of participants' brain injuries were not specified as mild, moderate, or severe. SMART was associated with significantly greater improvements in gist reasoning compared to psychoeducation controls. Generalized improvements were also seen in working memory and participation in functional activities, domains that were not directly targeted by the SMART training. These gains were maintained 6 months post-training.

A subsequent study with children and adolescents who had received a mild, moderate, or severe closed-head TBI at least 6 months prior to study participation also demonstrated positive findings. These participants, who demonstrated below average gist reasoning skills at baseline, completed either a shorter SMART training protocol of eight 45-min sessions or a memory training (60). The SMART participants displayed significant improvements in their ability to abstract meanings (d = 1.41) and recall facts (d = 0.77) compared to the control group. The SMART participants also demonstrated significant improvements in the untrained executive functions of working memory (d = 0.94) and inhibition (d = 0.73), whereas the control group participants did not. In a larger RCT of adults with a history of unclassified TBI who were experiencing mild cognitive impairments at the time of the training, Vas et al. (57) compared receiving at least 18 h of SMART to BHW over 8 weeks. They found greater improvements for SMART participants on measures of gist reasoning, set shifting, and self-reported psychological health and daily function. These studies demonstrate the effectiveness of SMART in samples of individuals with a range of brain injury severity. One of the purposes of the present study was to assess its effectiveness in a sample of adults with milder brain injuries.

Notably, SMART is also effective in improving cognitive functioning in cognitively healthy individuals (54, 58, 6163), which suggests that SMART may show benefits for individuals with mTBI and PTSD who have less impaired, or even average, functioning. Lack of impairment is not uncommon for many individuals with mTBI or PTSD [e.g., (25, 6470)], yet appraisals of cognitive functioning are often negative and not aligned with objective performance (16, 7174). As a result, targeting cognitive functions via an approach that emphasizes neuroplasticity and psychoeducation may additionally improve expectancies and appraisals.

The developers of SMART recently introduced a shortened SMART training of three, 3-h sessions that has not yet been tested with mTBI. Similarly shortened protocols have shown gains in higher-order reasoning, working memory, and immediate and delayed memory in adolescents and adults with chronic mTBI (75). To our knowledge, SMART has never been tested with patients with PTSD, a population that struggles with cognitive problems with limited existing cognitive rehabilitation research. The overlap of both structural and functional changes and neurocognitive deficits seen in both PTSD and mTBI [e.g. (33, 34)] and the high rates of comorbidity associated with poorer functional outcomes, highlights the need for cognitive rehabilitation research that addresses both conditions alone and together. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effectiveness of a shortened SMART training program, compared to a psychoeducation control, in improving neurocognitive functioning in patients with mTBI and/or PTSD. We hypothesized that participation in SMART, compared to the control group, would result in improved gist reasoning as well as improved performance on tests of generalized cognitive functions (working memory, verbal memory, visual memory, and executive functioning).


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