Monday, March 29, 2021

If You Have This Blood Type, Your Stroke Risk May Be Higher, Study Says:(Women; non-O)

You'll have to ask your doctor EXACTLY  the protocols to follow to counteract this risk to nothing.

If You Have This Blood Type, Your Heart Attack Risk Is Higher, Study Says:(Women; non-O).

Some women with non-O blood types may be at an increased risk of early-onset stroke.

Hand of a lab technician holding blood tube test. Health care researchers working in life science laboratory. Doctor holds a blood sample tube in his hand testing in the laboratory

At the American Stroke Association's (ASA) 2021 International Stroke Conference, research funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke looked at the association between blood type and stroke risk. According to the study, the researchers found that non-O blood types (A, B, or AB) may be at an increased risk of early-onset stroke for women who smoke and take oral contraceptives.

But you may be able to tell if you're more at risk of a stroke, whether silent or symptomatic, if you're aware of the factors that contribute to this dangerous health condition—and it turns out, your blood type is one of those factors. Read on to find out which blood type is associated with an increased stroke risk, based on a new study, and for more things your blood type can tell you, check out 

The researchers looked at nearly 350 women who had experienced a stroke before the age of 50 and compared their data to 383 women who had not had a stroke. They concluded that women with non-O blood types who smoked and took oral contraceptives were nearly twice as likely to have a stroke before turning 50.


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