Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Sensorimotor, Attentional, and Neuroanatomical Predictors of Upper Limb Motor Deficits and Rehabilitation Outcome after Stroke

 Nothing here is going to get any survivor better recovery. Lots of big words used but worthless for any survivor use. As soon as I see the word 'prediction' I know this will be useless. I would fire the lot of them for not even attempting the only goal in stroke; 100% recovery.

Sensorimotor, Attentional, and Neuroanatomical Predictors of Upper Limb Motor Deficits and Rehabilitation Outcome after Stroke

Academic Editor: Gabriela Delevati Colpo
Received11 Sep 2020
Revised28 Jan 2021
Accepted01 Mar 2021
Published02 Apr 2021


The rehabilitation of motor deficits following stroke relies on both sensorimotor and cognitive abilities, thereby involving large-scale brain networks. However, few studies have investigated the integration between motor and cognitive domains, as well as its neuroanatomical basis. In this retrospective study, upper limb motor responsiveness to technology-based rehabilitation was examined in a sample of 29 stroke patients (18 with right and 11 with left brain damage). Pretreatment sensorimotor and attentional abilities were found to influence motor recovery. Training responsiveness increased as a function of the severity of motor deficits, whereas spared attentional abilities, especially visuospatial attention, supported motor improvements. Neuroanatomical analysis of structural lesions and white matter disconnections showed that the poststroke motor performance was associated with putamen, insula, corticospinal tract, and frontoparietal connectivity. Motor rehabilitation outcome was mainly associated with the superior longitudinal fasciculus and partial involvement of the corpus callosum. The latter findings support the hypothesis that motor recovery engages large-scale brain networks that involve cognitive abilities and provides insight into stroke rehabilitation strategies.

1. Introduction

Stroke survivors may suffer from motor, cognitive, and/or psychological deficits, with conjoined consequences for the course of rehabilitation as well as for the quality of life. The presence of motor impairments (i.e., hemiparesis, coordination problems, and spasticity) is very common and it evidently affects patients’ everyday autonomy, with a high variability of recovery that depends on both spontaneous and rehabilitation-induced gains [1].

The rehabilitation of neurological motor impairments is based on motor learning principles within complex sensorimotor and cognitive processes [2]. Repracticing the execution of goal-directed actions requires some planning and computational steps that engage connections among various brain areas [3, 4]. This hierarchical process goes from the sensory integration between bodily information learned from previous experiences [5] and on-line movements and context [4, 6] up to the execution of voluntary movements. On one side, the interpatients variability in preserved sensorimotor abilities is critical for functional motor skills [7], on-going control [8], and prognosis [9]. On the other side, the cognitive system supports motor execution, in terms of planning the computational steps and of attention on internal and external sensorimotor feedbacks to monitor and adjust the performance [6, 10, 11]. As a matter of fact, stroke patients with motor deficits mainly have difficulties to cope with everyday actions, which often involve high attentional load due to multitasking demands (e.g., walk and avoid obstacles), thereby worsening sensory inputs’ processing [12] and motor execution [13]. Indeed, the major goal of motor rehabilitation is the recovery of everyday life abilities.

Recent innovative approaches for motor rehabilitation with technology-based (hereafter, TB) techniques aim to resemble the ecological environments, where behavior is demanding and cognitive abilities may be involved [2, 14]. TB methods are based on interactive action-feedback simulation software, which engages patients into real-world-like scenarios [2, 15, 16] and supports motor recovery, as demonstrated for upper limb rehabilitation [1720]. Nevertheless, a recent Cochrane review noted that most studies of TB rehabilitation (i.e., using virtual reality) usually exclude patients with severe cognitive deficits, thereby prompting for further investigations on cognitive abilities as covariate in motor training outcome [21].

Considering the integration of motor and cognitive systems underlying motor learning [2], a crucial challenge is to exploit their functioning at a neural level in neurological patients. It is well known that lesions in primary and secondary motor cortices [2], corticospinal tract [22], and interhemispheric connections [23] affect the severity of upper limb impairments. However, recent results highlight the role of brain connectivity encompassing bilateral motor, premotor, and frontal areas [24] and forming a large-scale temporofrontoparietal functional network [2528]. The neural plasticity of this large-scale network may give insight into the interpatients variability in motor recovery [29, 30] within the cooccurrence of cognitive deficits [31]. In particular, a clear link between motor and attentional abilities is shown by the neglect syndrome [32, 33], a visuospatial attention deficit in orienting and reporting relevant stimuli on the contralesional side of space [34], mainly occurring after right hemisphere stroke ([35, 36], but see [37]). More generally, the efficacy of motor rehabilitation may depend on many factors that include patients’ residual abilities [1, 9], training approaches [15], and type of neuroanatomical impairments [3, 38].

The goal of the present retrospective study was to investigate how the sensorimotor and attention systems contribute to motor recovery of upper limb impairments following TB rehabilitation. We only considered patients who underwent a TB physiotherapy program in order to have a consistent rehabilitation approach, which was also closer to real-life requests. We examined the influence of selective attention skills in the whole sample of patients, whereas for a subgroup of right stroke patients we additionally examined the role of visuospatial orienting abilities. To complete the picture, we also inspected the neural structures associated with both initial and postrehabilitation motor performance. We examined the association with the structural lesion [39] as well as with the white-matter disconnections [40]. The latter represents a novel approach to examine direct structural disconnections after a focal lesion [40] and provides valuable knowledge about the mapping between connectivity and behavior [24].


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