Saturday, May 15, 2021

Neuroplasticity and the Quantum Field


This is a sales pitch, nothing I could ever believe in.

Neuroplasticity and the Quantum Field

Linking neuroscience and quantum/unified field theory. The science behind deliberate creation.

This is a brief explanation of the science behind tuning your brainwaves (and the electromagnetic frequencies you are emitting from your body) to connect with/attract any of the infinite potential frequencies that exist in the Universe.

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change itself constantly by creating new neural pathways and losing those which are no longer used. When you think a new thought it creates a new neurological connection, or pathway, in your brain. That new neurological pathway produces chemicals (neurotransmitters) that affect adjacent neurons, muscles, and glands creating a feeling in your body which emits a specific electromagnetic frequency. The more you think that new thought the stronger the pathway becomes and the more you become conditioned to that feeling, therefore, the easier it is for you to emit that electromagnetic frequency. Conversely, if you take your attention away from something, or stop thinking a thought, the weaker that neurological pathway becomes, and the less that particular feeling is produced and thus, the electromagnetic frequency is no longer emitted. If you never think that thought again the pathway will dissolve altogether.

The quantum or unified field theory states that there is energy connecting everything in the Universe. According the most current laws of physics, the fundamental building blocks of Nature are continuous fluid-like substances, spread thinly throughout all of space - called fields. The most familiar examples are the electric and magnetic field. Ripples in these fields "get tied" up into bundles of energy - called electrons - and give rise to light, i.e., electromagnetic waves. All the electrons that exist are not fundamental, they are waves of the same underlying field. Meaning they are all connected. Every electron in your body - indeed, every electron in the Universe - is a tiny ripple of the underlying field, molded into a bundle of energy by the machinery of quantum mechanics. The quantum field is a vast numbers of energy bundles, interacting in a myriad of different ways (explained by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle). Therefore, there are infinite potentials and possibilities present in the field at all times. The Unified field is Energy, with infinite potentials, connecting everything.

Think of a tuner on a radio. If you set that tuner to a certain frequency it can receive the electromagnetic signal and connect with the information on that particular station. Similarly, if you “tune” your thoughts and train your body to emit a particular electromagnetic frequency you can connect with the frequency and information anywhere in the Universe through the unified field. Now, think of downloading information (like a movie) through a wifi connection. The more consistent the connection the smoother and faster the information (movie) will download. However, if the connection is intermittent it may take a very long time to download, if at all. Similarly, if you emit a consistent electromagnetic frequency by consistently thinking thoughts that create particular emotions you are going to “tune into” and “download” that information to your reality. Thus, if you train your brainwaves into a particular frequency you can attract anything you want in the universe and deliberately create your reality.

***Are you ready?! Book a session and begin tuning your vibration!

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