Friday, June 11, 2021

EEG hyperscanning in motor rehabilitation: a position paper

Seems pie in the sky, considering the technical requirements. This is still just analysis, NOT PROTOCOLS DELIVERING RECOVERY.

EEG hyperscanning in motor rehabilitation: a position paper


Studying the human brain during interpersonal interaction allows us to answer many questions related to motor control and cognition. For instance, what happens in the brain when two people walking side by side begin to change their gait and match cadences? Adapted from the neuroimaging techniques used in single-brain measurements, hyperscanning (HS) is a technique used to measure brain activity from two or more individuals simultaneously. Thus far, HS has primarily focused on healthy participants during social interactions in order to characterize inter-brain dynamics. Here, we advocate for expanding the use of this electroencephalography hyperscanning (EEG-HS) technique to rehabilitation paradigms in individuals with neurological diagnoses, namely stroke, spinal cord injury (SCI), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and traumatic brain injury (TBI). We claim that EEG-HS in patient populations with impaired motor function is particularly relevant and could provide additional insight on neural dynamics, optimizing rehabilitation strategies for each individual patient. In addition, we discuss future technologies related to EEG-HS that could be developed for use in the clinic as well as technical limitations to be considered in these proposed settings.


Studying the human brain in social settings has revealed task-specific activation of various brain regions involved in cognition as discussed in multiple review papers [1,2,3]. Furthermore, functional and structural connectivity analyses have allowed researchers to examine relationships across these activated regions, providing insight on how an individual may process and interpret information. These findings have led to numerous theories on the characterization of neural systems, namely the mentalizing system (MS) and mirror neuron system (MNS) [4,5,6]. The MS, which primarily involves the temporal-parietal junction (TPJ) and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), plays a role in the anticipation of others intentions [4]. In order to code the neural representations of these intentions, the mPFC regulates and plans higher cognitive function while the TPJ provides context to a given situation. The MNS, on the other hand, is activated when preparing one’s own actions and imitating the actions of others and has been associated with the left inferior frontal and premotor cortices as well as the inferior parietal lobe [7, 8].

Evidence of these neural systems has been further explored in the context of inter-brain dynamics while recording from multiple subjects [9]. Hyperscanning (HS) is a technique that allows one to record the brain activity of two or more subjects simultaneously [10]. The first effort to record the activity of two brains simultaneously with electroencephalography (EEG) was performed by Duane and Behrendt [11]. However, the technique started to gain importance two decades ago [12]. Several HS studies have been carried out in healthy participants to understand changes in brain activity due to social interactions [12,13,14,15], including motor tasks [16, 17], speech [18], and musical performance [19,20,21].

However, most of the published studies have been limited to describing interactions between individuals performing simple tasks or under simple stimuli restricting the use of the technique beyond the laboratory. Therefore, to reach a deeper comprehension of the mechanisms involved in social interactions during “normal” life situations with peers it is necessary to generate experimental paradigms that are as “natural” as possible. As noted in a review by Hari and Kujala [1]; “much of the fleeting, moment-to-moment information of social interaction remains beyond the reach of studies involving limited stimuli and tasks. The current challenge for brain imaging is to bring every day human interaction, occurring in a complex natural environment between two or more subjects, into the laboratory”.

With a similar interest in studying interpersonal interactions, group dynamics have also been explored in the context of motor rehabilitation. Group therapy, defined as two or more individuals participating in specialized activities mediated by clinicians, has been used as a supplement to traditional therapy in rehabilitation settings [22, 23]. This approach to treatment provides greater peer support, resulting in improvements such as increased physical function, engagement, and quality of life in patients with various neurologic diagnoses [24,25,26,27]. Notably, group therapy settings share many parallels with the HS contexts that have been studied in dyads or groups of healthy individuals.

Consequently, HS studies have not been explored in patient populations due to the complexity of the clinical environment and the different technical challenges that need to be addressed. Thus, how motor recovery during social interactions in patients is reflected through changes in brain connectivity, for instance in a group therapy setting, has yet to be investigated. In this paper, we propose an approach to study EEG-HS in different patient populations, such as stroke, spinal cord injury (SCI), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and traumatic brain injury (TBI). In addition, we address different combinations of dyads during motor rehabilitation such as Patient–Patient, Patient–Therapist, Patient–Healthy and Patient–Machine. Here we focus only on EEG-HS because of its high temporal resolution, affordability and high mobility in comparison to other neuroimaging techniques such as functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), or magnetoencephalography (MEG).



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