Tuesday, June 22, 2021

FeetMe® Monitor-connected insoles are a valid and reliable alternative for the evaluation of gait speed after stroke

Shouldn't your doctor and therapists been already objectively measuring your gait with one of these for years already? 

Do you prefer your doctor and therapist incompetence NOT KNOWING? OR NOT DOING?


How is your therapist objectively measuring your gait irregularities? If no measurements are being done, How the hell can any intervention be said to cause improvement?

Maybe one of these other ones;

Sensoria™ Fitness Socks  March 2014 

Sensor embedded socks  January 2014 

Markerless Human Motion Capture for Gait Analysis  October 2017 

Ambulatory assessment of walking balance after stroke using instrumented shoes

May 2016 

The Parkinson's shoe


Design of a biofeedback device for gait rehabilitation in post-stroke patients

October 2015

Insole plantar pressure systems in the gait analysis of post-stroke rehabilitation 

October 2015

 Validity of shoe-type inertial measurement units for Parkinson’s disease patients during treadmill walking


The latest one here:

 FeetMe® Monitor-connected insoles are a valid and reliable alternative for the evaluation of gait speed after stroke

Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation , Volume 28(2) , Pgs. 127-134.

NARIC Accession Number: J86305.  What's this?
ISSN: 1074-9357.
Author(s): Farid, Leila ; Jacobs, Damien ; Do Santos, Johana ; Simon, Olivier ; Gracies, Jean-Michel ; Hutin, Emilie.
Publication Year: 2021.
Number of Pages: 8.


Study evaluated the accuracy and reliability of a fully stand-alone system of connected insoles (FeetMe® Monitor) against a widely used clinical walkway system (GAITRite®). Twenty-nine subjects with a stroke that occurred >6 months prior participated in the study. Their comfortable gait was evaluated over three 8-meter trials by four raters, on Day 1 and Day 7, using FeetMe® Monitor and GAITRite® simultaneously. Velocity, stride length, cadence, stance, and swing duration were calculated on both sides over three sequences of gait: one single stride, 8 meters, and three 8-meter trials pooled. The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) and the Bland-Altman plot evaluated the construct validity (inter-device) and the reliability (test-retest and inter-rater) of FeetMe® Monitor. Through all gait analysis sequences, the inter-device ICCs were >0.95 for velocity, stride length, and cadence. Ranges of inter-device ICCs were 0.77 to 0.94 for stance duration for both limbs, and 0.32 to 0.57 for swing duration on the non-paretic side and 0.75 to 0.90 on the paretic side. Test–retest and inter-rater ICCs for all parameters were >0.73 for one single stride, >0.88 for 8-meter trials, and >0.94 for three 8-meter trials. The results of this study suggest that FeetMe® Monitor is an accurate and reliable system for measurement of gait velocity, stride length, cadence, and stance duration in chronic hemiparesis.

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Citation: Farid, Leila , Jacobs, Damien , Do Santos, Johana , Simon, Olivier , Gracies, Jean-Michel , Hutin, Emilie. (2021). FeetMe® Monitor-connected insoles are a valid and reliable alternative for the evaluation of gait speed after stroke.  Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation , 28(2), Pgs. 127-134. Retrieved 6/22/2021, from REHABDATA database.

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