Saturday, June 26, 2021

Project Big Life Dementia Calculator

 Based on your responses, your risk of being diagnosed with dementia in the next five years is 3%.

Actually I consider it much lower than that.

No easy way to change your answers and see which questions you need to improve upon.

Project Big Life Dementia Calculator

Or you can try this one, much less info provided, doesn't take into account exercise or social connections.



Dementia Risk Calculator - Medindia

I'm high risk here, which I completely reject.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dean, Thx for bringing up this issue. When I had my stroke in 2017 no one discussed what was happening to me with me and my husband and what we shd be focussing on in regard to recovery. Looking back on that time, I'm appalled by this fact.It feels like medical malpractice and definitely contributed to an unsatisfactory recovery. I agree with all you say here and thoroughly appreciate and thank you for your musings. Why don't you post about your own recovery? Excuse me if you already have, I'm new to your blog, another unfortunate situation post-stroke.Better lete than never.
