Monday, July 26, 2021

Force-Control vs. Strength Training: The Effect on Gait Variability in Stroke Survivors

You'll have to ask your doctor what the hell is force-control training

Force-Control vs. Strength Training: The Effect on Gait Variability in Stroke Survivors

  • 1Department of Health and Exercise Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, United States
  • 2Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States

Purpose: Increased gait variability in stroke survivors indicates poor dynamic balance and poses a heightened risk of falling. Two primary motor impairments linked with impaired gait are declines in movement precision and strength. The purpose of the study is to determine whether force-control training or strength training is more effective in reducing gait variability in chronic stroke survivors.

Methods: Twenty-two chronic stroke survivors were randomized to force-control training or strength training. Participants completed four training sessions over 2 weeks with increasing intensity. The force-control group practiced increasing and decreasing ankle forces while tracking a sinusoid. The strength group practiced fast ankle motor contractions at a percentage of their maximal force. Both forms of training involved unilateral, isometric contraction of the paretic, and non-paretic ankles in plantarflexion and dorsiflexion. Before and after the training, we assessed gait variability as stride length and stride time variability, and gait speed. To determine the task-specific effects of training, we measured strength, accuracy, and steadiness of ankle movements.

Results: Stride length variability and stride time variability reduced significantly after force-control training, but not after strength training. Both groups showed modest improvements in gait speed. We found task-specific effects with strength training improving plantarflexion and dorsiflexion strength and force control training improving motor accuracy and steadiness.

Conclusion: Force-control training is superior to strength training in reducing gait variability in chronic stroke survivors. Improving ankle force control may be a promising approach to rehabilitate gait variability and improve safe mobility post-stroke.


Steady and consistent gait pattern allows humans to walk safely (13). In healthy adults, over-ground walking is characterized by relatively small temporal and spatial variability in consecutive strides (4, 5). However, individuals with gait dysfunction demonstrate increased stride-to-stride fluctuations known as gait variability. Exacerbated gait variability leads to poor dynamic balance, unsteady walking, and heightened risk of falls (5). Falls can cause injuries, impair functional mobility, and increase the fear of future falls (6). Consequently, reducing gait variability constitutes an important target for stroke rehabilitation. Until recently (7), stroke locomotor rehabilitation has primarily targeted improvements in global measures of walking performance such as gait speed and distance rather than gait variability (8, 9). Despite improvements in walking speed, stroke survivors may continue to exhibit significant impairments in step variability. For example, a recent study in stroke survivors reported higher variability in step length and stance time, even with relatively high walking speeds of 0.83–1.25 m/s (10). Similarly, another study reported heightened variability in step length, swing time, and stride time even in independently ambulating stroke survivors (11). Thus, stroke survivors can achieve independent ambulation but continue to show significant gait variability that may predispose them to a greater risk of falls (12). Even though improved gait speed is a desirable rehabilitation outcome post-stroke, identifying interventions that reduce gait variability would be crucial to promote safe walking.

Two primary motor deficits linked with impaired gait are declines in motor control and strength (1318). Motor control deficits manifest as reduced accuracy and consistency of the paretic limb (1921). Diminished force accuracy and steadiness of lower extremity was linked to impaired mobility and postural instability in older adults (22, 23). Accordingly, force-control training has shown to improve the motor steadiness of the lower limb (24) and manual function in older adults (25, 26). In stroke survivors, increased force fluctuations of hip muscles were related with reduced gait speed and poor dynamic balance (16). Furthermore, motor accuracy of single-joint ankle movements was associated with over-ground walking in stroke (27). Recent work from our group showed that impaired ankle steadiness, but not ankle strength, contributes to increased stride-length variability during over-ground walking in high-functioning stroke survivors (15). Despite the evidence suggesting functional importance of motor accuracy and consistency after stroke, whether a motor intervention that trains accurate and consistent modulation of lower-limb forces could reduce gait variability is unknown. This question constitutes the logical, next step for the rehabilitation of gait variability and is directly addressed in the current study (14).

In addition to motor control deficits, individuals with stroke demonstrate diminished strength or motor weakness (28). Strength deficits manifest as reduced force generation capacity with the paretic limb and are associated with increased postural sway and slower gait speed (2931). Mounting evidence suggests that strength training is effective in improving gait speed and distance in stroke survivors (3234). A meta-analysis reported that ballistic strength training positively influences walking speed after stroke (35). Evidence thus far suggests that strength training improves walking speed post-stroke. However, a relatively less investigated outcome of strength training is its impact on gait variability in stroke survivors. Previously, 6 weeks of strength training of the knee extensors improved motor steadiness in healthy older adults (36). However, it remains unknown if strength training could improve motor steadiness and consequently reduce gait variability in stroke survivors. Thus, we aimed to test strength training as another potential intervention for reducing gait variability following stroke in the current study.

Our study adopts an impairment-based approach to identify interventions that improve gait variability after stroke. Previous studies have established that gait training through task-specific movements, balance retraining, and functional strengthening are effective for improving walking ability after stroke (9, 37, 38). Relative to the widely used gait training approaches, we target two specific but distinct motor impairments that limit walking ability in stroke survivors—strength and motor control (accuracy and steadiness). The force-control training focused on gradually increasing and decreasing forces for accurate and steady modulation of submaximal forces. In contrast, strength training focused on generating maximum force through rapid muscle contractions. Our approach of comparing force-control and strength training will provide insights into the development of interventions that target specific motor impairments for improving gait variability in chronic stroke survivors.

The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of two distinct motor interventions for improving gait variability in stroke. Specifically, we investigate the effect of force-control training and strength training on spatiotemporal measures of gait variability in ambulatory chronic stroke survivors. We hypothesized that both force-control and strength training will improve gait variability; however, the magnitude of improvement will be greater with force-control training. This hypothesis was based on our previous work showing gait variability in stroke survivors is associated with ankle movement steadiness and accuracy, but not ankle strength (15). Furthermore, we expected both groups to demonstrate task-specific gains in strength, ankle movement accuracy, and steadiness. The current study is important because it identifies promising motor interventions to reduce gait variability and promote safe mobility in individuals with stroke.

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