Friday, July 16, 2021

Mechanical Design of a Modular Gripper for Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients with Hemiplegia

I dislike this type of research. It is all about compensation, NOT RECOVERY.

Mechanical Design of a Modular Gripper for Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients with Hemiplegia

Although the success rate of clinical rescue of stroke patients has greatly increased with the advancement of medical technology, the number of patients with stroke sequelae has increased. Traditional Chinese massage therapy can improve the local blood circulation of affected limbs, promote the metabolism of muscle tissues, help maintaining muscle tension and prevent muscle atrophy. However, improper massage techniques and strength may lead to paralyzed limb spasm and myositis ossificans. In addition, long-term massage may cause occupational injuries to nurses. Robotic technology has achieved good results in the field of medical rehabilitation surgery. In this paper, with the soft robotic technology, the end gripper of a mechanical arm was designed. Based on the working principle of the crank slider mechanism, the opening-closing part of the gripper was designed to be composed of a linear cylinder and a two-sectional rigid arc structure. Soft pneumatic actuators with a high expansion ratio were distributed and arranged in the inner walls. Massage therapy was implemented by activating different pneumatic actuators and adjusting the inflation pressure and the gripper was in the soft contact with the body. The designed gripper is compliant and safe and has the broad application prospect.

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