Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Postural control during quiet standing and voluntary stepping response tasks in individuals post-stroke: a case-control study

 Totally the wrong objective. The only goal in stroke is 100% recovery, this goal should  have been fixing postural control impairments, not identify them. The mentors and senior researchers totally fucked up in setting up and approving this research. 

Oops, I'm not playing by the polite rules of Dale Carnegie,  'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. 

Telling stroke medical persons they know nothing about stroke is a no-no even if it is true. 

Politeness will never solve anything in stroke. Yes, I'm a bomb thrower and proud of it. Someday a stroke 'leader' will ream me out for making them look bad by being truthful , I look forward to that day.

Postural control during quiet standing and voluntary stepping response tasks in individuals post-stroke: a case-control study

Received 24 Mar 2021, Accepted 12 Jun 2021, Published online: 25 Jun 2021
Translator disclaimer

Background: Postural control impairments following a stroke have an impact on mobility, reduce independence, and increase the risk of falls. Assessing these impairments during tasks representative of real-life situations, such as quiet standing (QS) and voluntary stepping response (VSR), will enhance our understanding of how the postural control system is impaired in individuals post-stroke (IPS). It will also inform the development of a more targeted and effective rehabilitation to prevent falls in IPS.

Objectives: Identify the postural control impairments encountered by IPS during QS and VSR.

Methods: Twenty IPS and 16 healthy controls were recruited to perform QS and VSR tasks, while ground reaction forces and whole-body motion were measured. Displacement and speed variation of the COM, center of pressure (COP) displacement and spatiotemporal data were calculated and compared between groups.

Results: During QS, IPS exhibited greater maximal COP displacement in mediolateral direction, COM displacement in vertical direction and COM speed excursions compared to controls. During VSR, IPS exhibited smaller step length, braking force, posterior foot placement in relation to the pelvis and COM anteroposterior excursion compared to controls. IPS presented less static and dynamic postural stability compared to controls.

Conclusions: Greater postural sway during QS, smaller anteroposterior COM displacement before losing balance and altered voluntary recovering steps during VSR could place IPS at more risk of falling when they face a postural challenge in the community. These novel results will improve the current knowledge base and should be considered in IPS rehabilitation.


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