Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Drinking Three Cups of Coffee Each Day Could Boost Your Heart Health


Coffee has been known to be healthy for many years and your stroke hospital incompetently still doesn't have a 24 hour coffee station? You need to fire your board of directors, they don't know how to run a stroke hospital that doesn't follow and implement research. I'm also doing it to prevent Parkinsons, does your doctor even know about that?

My coffee drinking is based upon research showing lower risks of Parkinsons and dementia.

How coffee protects against Parkinson’s Aug. 2014

Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Dementia  Feb. 2013 

Coffee's Phenylindanes Fight Alzheimer's Plaque 

Drinking Three Cups of Coffee Each Day Could Boost Your Heart Health

Drinking Three Cups of Coffee Each Day Could Boost Your Heart Health

Brewing and drinking a few cups of coffee might already be a part of your daily routine, but if it's not, now's the time to reconsider your morning beverage routine. According to a new study, there are actually major health benefits associated with consuming up to three cups of coffee each day. Per CNN, recent research debuted at the European Society of Cardiology annual stated that those who drink between half a cup to three cups of coffee each day lessened their risk of developing heart disease and dying from from heart disease and stroke than those who didn't drink this beverage at all.

The team's findings after studying 468,000 people's data from the United Kingdom Biobank, a system that gathers genetic and health information from over 500,000 Britains, already adds to existing information on this coffee topic. Previous research last spring revealed that consuming at least one cup of plain, caffeinated coffee on a daily basis could decrease chances of heart failure between five and 12 percent. For those who drank at least two or more cups, the risks lessened by 30 percent.

pouring coffee into white mug with heart
pouring coffee into white mug with heart

Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images

Related: When Is the Best Time of Day to Drink Coffee in Order to Boost Productivity?


"The association between caffeine and heart failure risk reduction was surprising," Dr. David Kao, the senior study author and the medical director of the Colorado Center for Personalized Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora, said back in April. "Coffee and caffeine are often considered by the general population to be 'bad' for the heart because people associate them with palpitations, high blood pressure, etc. The consistent relationship between increasing caffeine consumption and decreasing heart failure risk turns that assumption on its head."

The American Heart Association did note that the standard cup of coffee for heart health is eight ounces rather than the "grande" cup, which is 16 ounces. Also, coffee drinkers should avoid altering the beverage with sugars, dairy, and other flavors, as this could increase calories, sugar, and fat. "While unable to prove causality, it is intriguing that these three studies suggest that drinking coffee is associated with a decreased risk of heart failure and that coffee can be part of a healthy dietary pattern if consumed plain, without added sugar and high fat dairy products such as cream," Penny Kris-Etherton, a registered dietitian and immediate past chairperson of the American Heart Association's Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Council Leadership Committee, previously shared in a statement.

But isn't high fat dairy good for you?

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