Thursday, October 14, 2021

Endurance exercise more beneficial to your health than resistance exercise

It is completely and totally your doctor's responsibility to get you recovered enough to do endurance exercise. I can't do two wheel biking so had to switch to a three wheel recumbent. Haven't tried running yet but will with the help of the Tommye-K. Mayer book 'Teaching Me to Run'.

Endurance exercise more beneficial to your health than resistance exercise


Endurance exercise such as biking or running is more beneficial to human health than resistance exercise such as weightlifting, according to the findings of a new study. The study is published in the Journal of Applied Physiologyand has been chosen as an APSselect article for October.

Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouse of cells. Increased mitochondrial activity, which occurs after exercise, can help improve overall metabolic health. Good metabolic health translates to ideal levels of blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and waist circumference. On the other hand, poor metabolic health means your risk for heart disease, diabetes and stroke increases. That’s why robust physical activity—in this case, endurance training—is encouraged.

Researchers from Karolinska University Hospital and Linköping University in Sweden determined endurance exercises stimulate circulating levels of certain mitochondrial-derived peptides, which could lead to increased longevity and metabolic health. They did not find similar beneficial results from resistance exercise.

“This stresses it’s our own responsibility to be active and keep moving,” said co-researcher Ferdinand von Walden, MD, PhD, of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. “This is one small piece that adds to the importance of being a physically active individual, so stay active.”

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