Monday, November 15, 2021

Learning to walk with a wearable robot in 880 simple steps: a pilot study on motor adaptation


Since this was not tested on stroke individuals it is the responsibility of your stroke doctors and hospital to get it tested in stroke patients. What wearable robot is already in use in your rehab department? Nothing? Then why is it even considered a stroke department?

Learning to walk with a wearable robot in 880 simple steps: a pilot study on motor adaptation




Wearable robots have been shown to improve the efficiency of walking in diverse scenarios. However, it is unclear how much practice is needed to fully adapt to robotic assistance, and which neuromotor processes underly this adaptation. Familiarization strategies for novice users, robotic optimization techniques (e.g. human-in-the-loop), and meaningful comparative assessments depend on this understanding.


To better understand the process of motor adaptation to robotic assistance, we analyzed the energy expenditure, gait kinematics, stride times, and muscle activities of eight naïve unimpaired participants across three 20-min sessions of robot-assisted walking. Experimental outcomes were analyzed with linear mixed effect models and statistical parametric mapping techniques.


Most of the participants’ kinematic and muscular adaptation occurred within the first minute of assisted walking. After ten minutes, or 880 steps, the energetic benefits of assistance were realized (an average of 5.1% (SD 2.4%) reduction in energy expenditure compared to unassisted walking). Motor adaptation was likely driven by the formation of an internal model for feedforward motor control as evidenced by the reduction of burst-like muscle activity at the cyclic end of robotic assistance and an increase in arm-swing asymmetry previously associated with increased cognitive load.


Humans appear to adapt to walking assistance from a wearable robot over 880 steps by forming an internal model for feedforward control. The observed adaptation to the wearable robot is well-described by existing three-stage models that start from a cognitive stage, continue with an associative stage, and end in autonomous task execution.

Trial registration Not applicable.

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