Thursday, December 16, 2021

A Futuristic Approach for Stroke Rehabilitation Using Smart Gloves

I have been almost continuously  passively flexing and unflexing my spastic left hand, by now at least a million times; no results. Why would this be better?

A Futuristic Approach for Stroke RehabilitationUsing Smart Gloves

T Aghil 1,*, S Rahul 1 , S Buvan Kumaar 1 , Yati Vijay 1 , S Tharun Kumar 1 , Sidhharth B 1 1 Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nādu, India * Abstract. Stroke is a serious, common, and assured as a global health issue across the globe. Stroke is one of most common cause of death and is a leading cause of impairment in adults. Despite all impressive progression and development in the treatment of stroke, without effective modes of care most stroke patients care will continue to rely on physiotherapy involvement. The purpose of this paper is to explain about a new and better device which helps patients affected by stroke who are not able to move their hands. To rehabilitate stroke survivors, the proposed prototype is designed such that it is a portable smart glove which helps users to regain their muscle memory by continuously contracting and releasing their muscles without the involvement of physiotherapist. This device/glove also consists of sensors that collect and send data to UI using ESP32. This UI is available for the doctors to see the statistics of glove usage and monitors the patient’s conditions. The Glove uses a soft robotics approach to replicate the human hand. The Glove initially aims to contract and release all the muscles in the hand in regular intervals of time. This muscle movement aims to build lost muscle memory. 

1. Introduction 

This paper’s objective is to create a therapeutic glove that helps stroke survivors to undergo rehabilitation from their home. This result in a higher rate of recovery compared to other traditional methods and reduces the rehabilitation expenses. It can be said that one of the gravest and assured as a global health issue across the globe. Also, post stroke the survivors have to undergo rehabilitation to completely recover(only 10% fully recover, failure by any measurement.). It has also been proven that rehabilitation can be supported in well integrated multidisciplinary stroke-units(Really? 10% full recovery is considered a success?). When it comes to motor recovery of the arm, some of the potentially beneficial options include robotics and constraint-induced movement therapy [1]. Transfer function may also be improved by repetitive-task training. Undergoing occupational therapy will result in considerable improvement in the activities of daily living. Various trials of rehabilitation practices and of new therapies like repetitive trans-cranial magnetic stimulation, stem-cell therapy, robotic-therapies etc., are developed in the near future [2]. Stroke-recovery is miscellaneous. By the extent of subsequent recovery and the size and position of the first stroke attack the long-term effect of stroke can be determined. Recovery is a complex procedure that likely happens through a collection of impulsive processes, including compensation, substitution, and restitution. After several cohort studies it has come to light that, in the first few days after stroke improvement of functions in the body and action is foreseeable [3,4]. The main goal of the stroke rehab gloves is to enhance and relearn the skills which have degraded due to stroke. Stroke rehabilitation helps to regain the muscle memory and improve the quality of life. Each person has different degree to recover during the process because there are many complications in the severity of stroke. Also, researchers have found people becoming better when one undergoes the process of rehabilitation comparing to people who didn’t [5]. Other objectives of this paper are to create a more economic means for stroke survivors to undergo rehabilitation, to prevent travelling and additional expenses, produce better results compared to traditional methods in terms of rate of recovery and to reduce the time taken to recover. The objective of this project is to create a compact, portable and a low-cost rehabilitation glove, thus ensuring a higher rate of recovery compared to traditional methods. This eliminates the need to visit a physiotherapist for every rehabilitation session, which in turn reduces the travelling expenses and have a comfortable rehabilitation experience from their home. It is also a smart glove that automatically reads the temperature and blood pressure of the user. This data will be available for users in the Blynk app user-portal and for the doctors in the web UI created by the team. The literature review is done by researching about topics pertaining to stroke rehabilitation. The below research materials are compiled from various sources such as International Journal of Engineering and Technology, International Conference, and stroke research material. Table 1.1 shows the ideas and works of various people on stroke rehabilitation gloves. Sl. No. Name of article Inference 1. Design and Development Approach of Smart Glove for Post Stroke Rehabilitation [4]. In this paper, the operation of Smart Glove function very well as been programmed in Arduino. The device already perform operation based on the sensitivity level programmed in Arduino microcontroller. Key difference from this paper is that the proposed gloves is portable and much cheaper than this paper's glove and it is much simpler compared to the paper's glove. 2. Smart hand gloves for disabled people [16]. In this paper, the authors have introduced the Smart Hand Gloves for Disabled people. It will provide reliable, efficient, easy to use, and low-weight solutions for users as you compare other proposed papers. This will commit to creating purpose in the lives of people with disabilities. The paper focuses on minimizing the problem. One the problem exists to make it wireless. 3. Smart Glove: An Assistive Device to Enhance Recovery of Hand Function [11]. In this paper, smart Glove was successfully fabricated, and the total cost of fabrication was $68.24 making it potentially affordable for clinics and patients. Proper communication was established between the data acquisition, data conversion, data processing and display modules. Resistive sensors mounted on the Smart glove were able to detect finger and wrist extensions performed by both control subjects and stroke patients while performing therapy. The sensitivities for detecting wrist and finger extensions could be adjusted independently depending on the amounts of spasticity manifested in the wrist and fingers. Additional Velcro straps were stitched on the glove to provide a snug fit to the users.

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