Monday, February 28, 2022

Cooperative ankle-exoskeleton control can reduce effort to recover balance after unexpected disturbances during walking

 Is this good enough to do research in stroke subjects? WHOM will be doing that research?

Cooperative ankle-exoskeleton control can reduce effort to recover balance after unexpected disturbances during walking




In the last two decades, lower-limb exoskeletons have been developed to assist human standing and locomotion. One of the ongoing challenges is the cooperation between the exoskeleton balance support and the wearer control. Here we present a cooperative ankle-exoskeleton control strategy to assist in balance recovery after unexpected disturbances during walking, which is inspired on human balance responses.


We evaluated the novel controller in ten able-bodied participants wearing the ankle modules of the Symbitron exoskeleton. During walking, participants received unexpected forward pushes with different timing and magnitude at the pelvis level, while being supported (Exo-Assistance) or not (Exo-NoAssistance) by the robotic assistance provided by the controller. The effectiveness of the assistive strategy was assessed in terms of (1) controller performance (Detection Delay, Joint Angles, and Exerted Ankle Torques), (2) analysis of effort (integral of normalized Muscle Activity after perturbation onset); and (3) Analysis of center of mass COM kinematics (relative maximum COM Motion, Recovery Time and Margin of Stability) and spatio-temporal parameters (Step Length and Swing Time).


In general, the results show that when the controller was active, it was able to reduce participants’ effort while keeping similar ability to counteract and withstand the balance disturbances. Significant reductions were found for soleus and gastrocnemius medialis activity of the stance leg when comparing Exo-Assistance and Exo-NoAssistance walking conditions.


The proposed controller was able to cooperate with the able-bodied participants in counteracting perturbations, contributing to the state-of-the-art of bio-inspired cooperative ankle exoskeleton controllers for supporting dynamic balance. In the future, this control strategy may be used in exoskeletons to support and improve balance control in users with motor disabilities.


Wearable exoskeletons are powerful solutions that can be applied to reinforce and enhance mobility in able-bodied subjects [1, 2], or to restore lost functions of people with motor problems, such as those resulting from aging [3, 4], neurological disorders as spinal cord injury [5,6,7], or others [8,9,10]. Although these robotic devices are reliable in assisting individuals’ locomotion, researchers still struggle to design smart controllers for exoskeletons that also support balance when needed. Balance support is currently a serious demand and an often-heard wish of exoskeletons stakeholders, who consider this a fundamental and necessary skill [11, 12]. Especially during walking, balance becomes even more challenging, as recovery reactions to unexpected disturbances are often required to continue the gait cycle. During dynamic tasks, humans can exploit different balance recovery strategies, and the selected strategy may depend not only on the magnitude and direction of perturbation, but also on the perturbation timing within the gait cycle [13, 14]. Ideally, controllers for exoskeletons should be developed to take into account all these possible reactions.

One of the main issues of current lower-limb exoskeletons to achieve the challenge of balance is the insufficiency of human–robot interaction. This interaction is particularly significant when the prone-to-fall user still has some residual control. In these situations, cooperative controllers should be used to support in restoring balance only when necessary (e.g. onset of a potential fall). This may be known as “assist-when-needed” approach.

Recent studies with exoskeletons that developed “assist-when-needed” approaches to support balance were primarily focused on hip control [15,16,17]. The proposed controllers, provide hip torque to adjust the stepping location, either by supporting hip abduction-adduction (step-width adaptation) or hip flexion-extension (step-length adaptation). The assistance is triggered and modulated when perturbations are detected by using different feedback signals, such as the hip angle [15], the extrapolated center of mass (XcoM) [16], or the estimated leg force [17]. These approaches are not intended to replace human control, but rather to augment the user’s balance by providing the required assistance in synergy with the human wearer just after the onset of an imminent fall.

Although the hip joint is important for controlling the swing leg and preparing for foot placement, previous studies provided evidence that also the ankle joint during stance is crucial in balance maintenance [13, 14, 18]. The torque generated around the ankle acts to decrease the body’s velocity in the direction of the perturbation. Vlutters et al. [14] demonstrated that humans modulate the ankle joint torque of the stance leg as a response to antero-posterior (AP) pelvis perturbations. This ankle torque modulation scales with the provided perturbation magnitude, and thereby with subject’s center of mass (COM) kinematics after perturbation. Using the ankle strategy, subjects were able to eventually slow down the body movement provoked by the external disturbance.

Despite the demonstrated importance of the ankle joint, studies centered on ankle-exoskeleton controllers for assisting in balance during gait, and their effective evaluation with human users, are still scarce. Some preliminary approaches specifically designed for ankle balance support were mainly centered on stance situations. An example is the work presented in [19], in which the authors demonstrate that standing balance can effectively be supported by a strategy based on the user’s COM kinematics. Another example is the work of Ugurlu et al. [20], where the authors propose a real-time variable ankle stiffness as a balance control technique for standing with exoskeletons. Unfortunately this approach was not tested with the human wearer in the loop. Other methods that do use cooperative ankle-controllers during human locomotion did not address their effectiveness in counteracting balance recovery [21]. Finally, there have also been control approaches based on neuromuscular models that propose ankle balance assistance during walking with prosthetic legs [22]. Unfortunately, these models do not demonstrate the ability to generate cooperative human-like balance responses without specific supplementary additions [23].

In this work we have the aim of developing a “simple” bio-inspired control strategy for ankle-exoskeletons that works in synchrony with the human and effectively cooperates and assists balance recovery during walking. In our approach, we first detect disturbances to the COM in real-time by using human’s kinematics responses. Based on this detection, we trigger the robotic ankle assistance to recover stability. The assistance delivered by the controller tries to mimic humans ankle torque modulation [14], scaling with body kinematics and distributed proportionally over both ankles based on the weight supported by the corresponding leg. Our controller presents high levels of transparency during unperturbed locomotion [24], and provides appropriate support in synchrony with the human’s reaction, ensuring the “assist-when-needed” approach. A specific advantage of the proposed method is that it does not require specific subject personalization and thereby it can be easily applied without time-consuming tuning.

Our main hypothesis is that the developed ankle-exoskeleton controller is capable of reducing able-bodied users’ effort required to counteract unexpected perturbations during walking without detriment of their stability. Moreover, we expect the controller to be reliable in both, detecting the perturbations and providing assistance that works in sync with the user to eventually help in recovering balance.

More at link.

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