Monday, March 28, 2022

Effect of Particle Size and Surface Charge on Nanoparticles Diffusion in the Brain White Matter

 Now that we might have a way to send drugs to the white matter we should be looking at sending in semaphorins.

Semaphorins and their Signaling Mechanisms January 2018

From there: 

Early studies revealed that semaphorins function as axon guidance molecules,(We need this to have our damaged white matter do the connections needed.)

Effect of Particle Size and Surface Charge on Nanoparticles Diffusion in the Brain White Matter



Brain disorders have become a serious problem for healthcare worldwide. Nanoparticle-based drugs are one of the emerging therapies and have shown great promise to treat brain diseases. Modifications on particle size and surface charge are two efficient ways to increase the transport efficiency of nanoparticles through brain-blood barrier; however, partly due to the high complexity of brain microstructure and limited visibility of Nanoparticles (NPs), our understanding of how these two modifications can affect the transport of NPs in the brain is insufficient.


In this study, a framework, which contains a stochastic geometric model of brain white matter (WM) and a mathematical particle tracing model, was developed to investigate the relationship between particle size/surface charge of the NPs and their effective diffusion coefficients (D) in WM.


The predictive capabilities of this method have been validated using published experimental tests. For negatively charged NPs, both particle size and surface charge are positively correlated with D before reaching a size threshold. When Zeta potential (Zp) is less negative than -10 mV, the difference between NPs’ D in WM and pure interstitial fluid (IF) is limited.


A deeper understanding on the relationships between particle size/surface charge of NPs and their D in WM has been obtained. The results from this study and the developed modelling framework provide important tools for the development of nano-drugs and nano-carriers to cure brain diseases.


Nanoparticles (NPs), which are characterised by a diameter in the range of a few nanometres, have become a promising drug delivery system for the treatments against various brain disorders, owing to the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) [1]. A variety of materials have been applied to fabricate NPs, ranging from natural and synthetic polymers, metals to lipid-based or carbon-based materials. Such a wide selection enables the NPs to be tailored with desired chemical and physical characteristics to fulfil the specific delivery purposes [2]; these include BBB penetration, controlled release, sustainable drug supply and localised delivery [3,4,5], etc.

NP transport in brain tissues is dominated by diffusion [6]. Effective diffusion coefficient (D) is a measure of the rate at which the NPs can spread in the tissue. A high value of D usually indicates a short time window for transport. Several efforts have been made to increase the D of NPs, such as modifying the particle size to obtain a higher ratio of molecular thermal motion to the resistance [7], and charging the NP surface to avoid aggregation and deposition [8, 9]. These means have been adopted to enhance the BBB penetration of NPs [10,11,12]. However, whether these modified NPs with the enhanced BBB penetration also have higher effective Ds in the brain parenchyma cannot be guaranteed, because the anatomical structures of BBB and brain parenchyma are very different.

Some studies have provided insights on the important roles that particle size and surface charge can play on NPs diffusion in the brain parenchyma. For example, by measuring Ds of uncharged NPs in rat brain neocortical regions, Thorne et al. [13] concluded that the width of brain tissue extracellular space (ECS) is about 38~64 nm. And the experimental results also showed the negative correlation between particle size and D of the NPs. However, these results are only applicable for uncharged NPs. Years later, Nance et al. [14] found that NPs as large as 114 nm in diameter were also able to transport inside rat and human brain if they were coated with dense poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), which charged the NPs by about -5 mV. Moreover, Nance and co-workers also demonstrated that different surface functionalities of polystyrene (PS) [14], poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) [15], dendrimer [16], and quantum dot [17], which charge these NPs with different Zp and also change their hydraulic diameters, led to different diffusion behaviours of the NPs within the brain parenchyma. In the experiment of Dal et al. [18], where apolipoprotein E4 was adsorbed onto polysorbate 80-stabilized NPs and charged the surface by -10 mV, the brain accumulation of the NPs was also improved by 3 folds compared with unmodified NPs. These experimental investigations highlighted the difference made by surface modification of NPs on their brain diffusion.

Nevertheless, by analysing the experimental data reported in the literature, it is evident that there is a gap in the knowledge about the mutual influence and the possibility to decouple the effect of these two parameters (particle size and surface charge) in order to understand their independent effect. Although we now have known that smaller and negatively charged NPs normally possess higher D than bigger and electroneutral NPs, no study has confirmed if there exist exact thresholds for the two parameters. In addition, it is also not clear if one of these two parameters obliterates the other. For example, it may be less intuitive to judge whether the D will increase or decrease when an end functional group gives a NP a bigger size but more negative Zp. Filling this gap of understanding is important to promote the design efficiency of NPs, but it is not easy to perform by experiments only, because particle size and surface charge always change simultaneously after surface functionalization. Take PEG and COOH, two commonly used end functional groups for NPs, as an example; while PEG nearly does not charge NPs and COOH charges NPs negatively, PEG-coated NPs are generally 10 to 20 nm larger than the COOH-coated NPs [14]. Structural complexity and limited accessibility of brain tissue, difficulties in precise control of NPs’ parameters, and low visibility of NPs [18] also make it less feasible to conduct quantitative studies by experiments. By contrast, mathematical modelling is a good alternative to easily decouple these two parameters and provide insights into the abovementioned concerns.

White matter (WM) acts as a relay station and transmits messages between different parts within the central nervous system [19]. As a result, diseases with white matter, such as Alzheimer's disease and glioblastoma, can critically affect brain function [20]. However, transport of NPs, which is a promising technique to treat these diseases, in WM has not received sufficient attention. In addition, owing to the ordered distribution of axons that compose WM and the development of new analytical techniques, computational resources and image analyses methodologies, geometrical reconstruction of the WM’s detailed microstructure becomes feasible by programming [21, 22]. Therefore, in this paper, a microstructural model of WM is reconstructed to mimic the microenvironment of brain tissue, where the NPs transport occurs. A mathematical model is also built to trace the trajectory of every single particle in this realistic virtual prototype of WM, the result of which can be used to calculate the D of NPs [23]. Based on this framework, both independent and coupling effects of NP’s size and Zp on its D are investigated, which can be used to improve our ability to design NPs for the treatment of brain diseases.


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