Wednesday, April 27, 2022

HandCARE: A Cable-Actuated Rehabilitation System to Train Hand Function After Stroke

14 years! What happened to it? If your doctor and hospital don't know they are completely fucking incompetent, not following stroke research at all.

HandCARE: A Cable-Actuated Rehabilitation System to Train Hand Function After Stroke

  Ludovic Dovat (1)
Olivier Lambercy (1)
 Roger Gassert (2)
Thomas Maeder (3), Ted Milner (4), Teo Chee Leong (1), and Etienne Burdet (2)
(1) Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 119077 Singapore (2) Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ London, U.K. (3) Laboratory of Microengineering for Manufacturing, EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland (4) Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education, McGill University, Montreal, QC, H2W 1S4 Canada
Version of record
: IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 16 (6), 582-591, 2008.
We have developed a robotic interface to train hand and finger function.
is a Cable-Actuated REhabilitation system, in which each finger is attached to an instrumented cable loop allowing force control and a predominantly linear displacement. The device, whose designed is based on biomechanical measurements, can assist the subject in opening and closing movements and can be adapted to accommodate various hand shapes and finger sizes. Main features of the interface include a differential sensing system, and a clutch system which allows independent movement of the five fingers with only one actuator. The device is safe, easily transportable, and offers multiple training possibilities. This paper  presents the biomechanical measurements carried out to determine the requirements for a finger rehabilitation device, and the design and characterization of the complete system.
: Cable system, hand and finger functions, human-oriented design, rehabilitation robotics.


Post-stroke rehabilitation starts with one-on-one therapy with physiotherapists in acute-care hospitals. To limit the cost of treatment, patients are usually sent back home when they are able to walk, even if they have not recovered complete function of upper limbs, especially of distal parts, i.e., hands and fingers. In most cases, it will take a longer time to recover the functions of extension, abduction, and adduction of the fingers, thereby leaving the fingers in a flexed position, resulting in difficulties with activities of daily living (ADL) such as grooming, dressing, eating, and personal hygiene [1]Ð[5]. It is, therefore, usual to  pursue further rehabilitation at home, with the advantages of practicing skills and developing compensatory strategies in the context of oneÕs own living environment. Stroke patients are generally instructed to  perform different exercises with the hand in order to restore physical function and skills, mainly by treating the motor and sensory impairments using simple
nonactuated devices1(see first three rows of Table I). In recent years, robotic devices and game-like virtual reality exercises have been increasingly used across industrialized countries, and may redefine rehabilitation by motivating people to train more, without clinical supervision. Because these devices can accurately measure variables such as position and force, they can be used for treatment as well as to diagnose and assess motor impairments such as spasticity, muscle tone, and strength with great accuracy. These devices can automate repetitive tasks and provide passive movements
, i.e., without voluntary muscular contraction by the individual, or active movements
, i.e., with voluntary movement of a joint. In addition, they can provide assistance adapted to each subject and degree of recovery. Several studies suggest that robot-assisted therapy has positive effects on the rehabilitation progress of stroke patients 6-11. However, interfaces to train the distal components of the upper limbs, e.g., wrist and hand, have received little attention so far. 
More at link.

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