Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Stroke, insufficient rehabilitation for one in 3 patients – Medicine: Italy

You're wrong, wrong, wrong. Rehab is insufficient for ALL stroke patients, since there are no 100% recovery protocols!

Stroke, insufficient rehabilitation for one in 3 patients – Medicine: Italy

Every year in Italy 185,000 people are affected by stroke, which represents the first cause of disability and among the first three of death, along with heart disease and cancer. Conditions can be improved in the post-acute phase but access to rehabilitation treatments, insufficient for one out of three patients, must be facilitated. This is the message launched by ISA-AII Italian Stroke Association – Italian Stroke Association.
After the stroke, difficulties are encountered in the rehabilitation phase following the acute event. 89% of patients report having found improvements, both neurological and physical, following rehabilitation treatments. But 34% consider the experience insufficient and 17% consider the quality of life poor. Half ask for more information on rehabilitation therapies and also a more ongoing relationship with the neurologist. Over 38% begin recovery in a different health facility than the one they were admitted to. These are some data from an online survey on 250 patients(You didn't do the survey correctly since you biased the patient answers. Every patient that didn't get 100% recovered would truthfully give you an absolute failing grade if you didn't bias their responses.). The survey, presented today to the Ministry of Health, is part of the “Strike on Stroke” project carried out with the non-conditioning contribution of Ipsen. A survey of 250 doctors was also carried out in recent months. One in three confesses that they do not have PDTA-protocols-guidelines available to refer patients to rehabilitation wards. 38%, on the other hand, work in neurovascular units where rehabilitation management is not carried out before the patient is discharged. Six out of 10 doctors admit that they do not know if there are regional regulations for the definition of a rehabilitation process. “Stroke can be defeated thanks to prevention, timely therapeutic intervention and innovative treatments available today – underlines Mauro Silvestrini, President of ISA-AII -. However, there is still room for improvement. Up to 38% of patients have spasticity beyond one year after the event and the difficulties in accessing specific therapies were well highlighted in our survey “. “An organized and efficient rehabilitation – concludes Paola Santalucia, President-elect of ISA-AII – in all 21 regional health systems must be an absolute priority to be achieved”.


As regards stroke, there is a Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E), which aims to limit the impact of the disease by 2030. The “recommendations contained in the document would make it possible to reduce the number of new cases per year by well over 10%. For Italy we are talking about 15 thousand fewer patients”. This was highlighted by Francesca Romana Pezzella, ISA-AII Secretary and ESO’s Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) co-chair | European Stroke Organization in a meeting at the Ministry of Health. Pezzella explains that the signature of the Italian Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, is missing from a declaration “which morally commits countries to actions that are needed to implement the Plan”. “Meetings like these, in institutional settings – he specifies – are also necessary to relaunch SAP-E Europe which aims to limit the impact of the disease by 2030 starting from primary prevention, organization of acute stroke care, prevention secondary, rehabilitation, outcome evaluation and life after stroke “. Senator Paola Boldrini, vice president of the Senate Health Commission, also speaks of a push for Italy to join the declaration, explaining in an intervention that she “hopes for a signature by the minister”.


He uses his own voice, with which he works and which characterizes him, the actor Massimo Lopez to remember, in a spot presented today at the Ministry of Health as part of the Strike on Stroke project “promoted by ISA-AII, Italian Stroke Association – Italian Stroke Association and realized thanks to the non-conditioning contribution of Ipsen, which “every year 185 thousand people are affected by stroke”. “It is the first cause of disability, almost one million Italians live with stroke-related disabilities. Acting in time – recalls the actor in the commercial – reduces the damage and immediately starting the rehabilitation improves the quality of life. Talking about it with your doctor is essential. “” I hadn’t lost my voice, but my words.
Thanks to the prompt intervention and rehabilitation – adds the president of Alice Italia Onlus, Association for the Fight against Cerebral Stroke, Andrea Vianello, who suffered a stroke a few years ago, on the occasion of the month of awareness on the pathology in April – I am here and I do my job as a journalist. Impossible to imagine it three years ago. “” Rehabilitation – continues Vianello, however – is often a labyrinth in which we patients do not always find the right path. It must be borne in mind that after the stroke the patient is like a lost child, and the family is even more lost than he is “.

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