Monday, May 16, 2022

A Study Reveals One of the Reasons Why Neurons Die in Parkinson’s Patients

 You'll want your doctor following this carefully so when  protocols are created stopping this neuronal death s/he is ready for your childrens and grandchildren's strokes.

Your risk of Parkinsons here:

Parkinson’s Disease May Have Link to Stroke March 2017 

The latest here:

A Study Reveals One of the Reasons Why Neurons Die in Parkinson’s Patients

Summary: Study implicates the gene DJ1 in neuronal death associated with Parkinson’s disease.

Source: University of Córdoba

Parkinson’s disease affects about 7 million people worldwide, according to data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO). This neurodegenerative disorder affects the central nervous system and, although its causes are not yet fully understood, it is known that many of its symptoms are due to the loss of neurons that produce dopamine.

A study carried out by a research team at the University of Cordoba has revealed, in mice, one of the reasons for this neuronal loss: the key lies in the protein called DJ1, whose relationship with Parkinson’s disease had already been demonstrated, although until now its exact function was unclear.

This study went a step further in this area, revealing one of this protein’s action mechanisms. To do this, the research team carried out a comparative study of neurons in the brains of mice that have this active gene, and others that lack it, with the aim of “comparing the differences between the two protein patterns and, thus, studying the mechanisms that may be altered,” explains Raquel Requejo, principal investigator of the study and a member of the BIO126 group at the University of Cordoba. 

When dividing is not an option

According to the results of the study, the absence or dysfunction of the gene expressing the DJ1 protein causes the activation of what is known as the cell cycle, the process by which cells divide; in other words, the machinery used by cells to replace others that have died, as occurs, for example, when a wound heals. 

This shows a head and a question mark
Parkinson’s disease affects about 7 million people worldwide, according to data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO). Image is in the public domain


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