Thursday, June 30, 2022

100th installation of the AR device for post-stroke motor rehabilitation

Seems like complicated and expensive mirror therapy.  What is your doctor and hospital doing to mimic that since they will never buy the product?

100th installation of the AR device for post-stroke motor rehabilitation 

On the occasion of World Multiple Sclerosis Day, Dessintey announces the 100th implantation of its innovative medical device dedicated to post-stroke motor rehabilitation in France, based on visual illusion.

Dessintey Medtech, specialized in intensive rehabilitation technologies, develops and markets the IVS3, an innovative medical device, the result of 15 years of clinical experience. This unique and patented technology is intended to stimulate the plasticity of the brain and improve the planning and control of movement. Based on a principle of visuomotor neurons, IVS3 (Intensive Visual Simulation) uses action models and automatic simulation of the brain to help recover movement. Thanks to software, a camera and a system of screens, he replaces the image of a paralyzed limb with a positive image of the movement created from the valid limb. The reestablishment of coherence between what the patient wants to do and what he perceives helps to rebuild the motor and sensory circuits. This medical technology entirely developed in France, which has become an international standard for rehabilitation, is used in more than 15 countries with more than 150 devices deployed, including 100 in France.

Each year, more than 140,000 people in France are victims of stroke. Stroke is the first cause of acquired physical disability in adults, the second cause of dementia (after Alzheimer’s disease) and the second cause of death with 20% of people dying in the year following the stroke. . The peculiarity of this disease is that its consequences (partial or complete hemiplegia) significantly influence the patient’s autonomy and quality of life and it takes a long time to restore the patient’s bodily functions. At the end, only 20% of patients recover functional upper limb motor skills after stroke (Debelleix et al., 1997; Hendricks et al., 2002).

To accelerate the return to autonomy of patients, Dessintey develops and markets innovative intensive rehabilitation technologies. Dessintey aims to increase, diversify, and personalize the daily workload of patients from their entry into a rehabilitation facility (neurological and orthopedic), until their return home. Dessintey has relied on the latest scientific advances in neuroscience and on a close relationship with therapists to become, today, a real standard for rehabilitation. The IVS3 device is present in more than 100 hospitals in France and in 15 countries.

Augmented mirror therapy

The IVS3 device by Dessintey was inspired by mirror therapy, which is a rehabilitation therapy recognized by the scientific community (Pollock et al., 2014; Thieme et al., 2018; Zhang et al, 2018, Gandhi 2020). The idea consists in relying on the fact that, thanks to visuomotor neurons, watching a movement solicits substantially the same areas of the brain as those during the realization of this same movement. The technique consists in diffusing the mirror image of the valid member in place of the paralyzed one by using a mirror. By observing a representation of a movement, the brain automatically and effortlessly simulates that movement, and repetition then aids recovery. Dessintey has reinvented mirror therapy, using much simpler and more efficient innovative technologies to allow the care of fragile patients (cognitive or attentional disorders) hitherto excluded.


The IVS3 device relies on brain plasticity. Based on a principle of visual illusion, the IVS3 (Intensive Visual Simulation) is a novel device that generates action models, to stimulate the planning and central control of movement. Thanks to software, a camera and a system of screens, he replaces the image of a sick limb with a movement image created from the valid limb. By restoring coherence between what the patient wants to do and what he perceives, these sensorimotor representations promote relearning and motor recovery. The IVS3 is an innovative tool developed to intensify rehabilitation and allow early management of approximately 80 to 90% of patients, including those presenting: strokes with or without motor skills, spasticity, hemineglect and chronic pain ( CRPS)

The IVS3 is a unique technology that allows you to rehearse a large number of movement simulations mentally and without fatigue. The device integrates an augmented assistant, based on intelligent algorithms, to facilitate the daily life of the therapist. Based on the evaluation carried out by the therapist, the IVS3 device offers various exercise sequences. He recognizes the movements most adapted to the deficiencies of the patients. The IVS3 thus manages the planning of sessions and the entire patient program, and is used in addition to other conventional therapies.

IVS3 on video

For Nicolas Fournier, CEO of Dessintey: “The action of the IVS3 is based on mirror therapy, the effectiveness of which has been scientifically demonstrated since the end of the 1990s. The concept of the device was born from an observation: only 10 to 20% of patients practice the therapy mirror or motor imagery in a rehabilitation center. The technologies deployed in our devices make it possible to take care of 90% of patients, with immersive sessions lasting around fifteen minutes. Our ambition was to make this technique accessible to as many patients as possible, including the most fragile.”

Made in France, established in more than 15 countries.

Dessentey devices are entirely manufactured in France in the Dessintey production unit in Saint Etienne. There are more than 150 Dessintey IVS3 devices used in hospitals in 15 countries, including 100 in France. The installation of the 100th Dessentey IVS3 device was carried out on Thursday May 19, 2022 at the Center Hospitalier Marches de Bretagne (35).

Dessintey distributes 2 other complementary devices:

– The REAplan is a robotic assistance device with motorization and self-adaptive feedback: an innovative technology to facilitate and stimulate motor performance.

– The Hunova, which is a double robotic platform (sitting + standing) for the rehabilitation of the trunk and balance.

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