Thursday, June 23, 2022

Characteristics of handwriting pen pressure and grip force by the non-dominant hand of the elderly

Wrong focus, you're teaching compensation rather than recovery. Patients want recovery, why are you going against their wishes? 

Characteristics of handwriting pen pressure and grip force by the non-dominant hand of the elderly

高齢者の利き手でない方の手による手書き筆圧と握力の特徴.  Japanese Occupational Therapy Research , Volume 38(1) , Pgs. 18-27.

NARIC Accession Number: I247487.  What's this?
Author(s): Tomoko Uchida; Turo Nagao.
Publication Year: 2019.


The objective of this study was to examine the features of writing skill in the non-dominant hand of the elderly, and to help the training of switching hand dominance in stroke-related hemiplegic patients. Study participants were 38 elderly (age 74.2 ± 5.5) and 15 youths (age 20.5 ± 0.9), whose task was to trace over the outline of 8 types of symbols presented over a tablet screen. The successive tracings of the 8 types of symbols were counted as 1 session, which as consecutively repeated 10 times. Acquired data were pen pressure during performance (pen pressure) and the force exerted by the fingers against the pen during writing (grip force). Results indicated no significant within-group differences in either group. Regarding comparisons between the groups, pen pressure was lower in the elderly than in the youth in the first half of the drawing analysis. But the grip force was higher in the elderly than in the youth group. Therefore, as motor and sensory function decline during aging, leading to a tendency among the elderly to grip the pen more forcefully, occupational therapists need to consider appropriate interventions.
Descriptor Terms: Emotions, Operations research, Treatment.
Language: Japanese
Geographic Location(s): Japan, East & Southeast Asia.

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Citation: Tomoko Uchida, Turo Nagao. (2019). Characteristics of handwriting pen pressure and grip force by the non-dominant hand of the elderly.  高齢者の利き手でない方の手による手書き筆圧と握力の特徴.  Japanese Occupational Therapy Research , 38(1), Pgs. 18-27. Retrieved 6/23/2022, from REHABDATA database.

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