Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Prevent ischemic stroke with nutrition, here is the complete list of foods recommended by doctors

But where are the EXACT DIET PROTOCOLS post stroke for all these conditions?

We need protocols for all these:

For stroke prevention; for dementia prevention; for cognitive improvement; for cholesterol reduction; for plaque removal; for Parkinsons prevention; for inflammation reduction; for blood pressure reduction.


Prevent ischemic stroke with nutrition, here is the complete list of foods recommended by doctors

Today, preventing strokes is easier, even with nutrition, thanks to the disclosure of the guidelines of the Ministry of Health.

There are gods foods that protect against the onset of certain diseases? The answer is yes, and thanks to Research today we know that one Proper nutrition is crucial for stay healthy.

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The word “Stroke”if analyzed, makes the danger of the event. In English it is called “stroke” and it means in fact “blow”. One hit it manifests itself suddenly, even in people who seem perfectly healthy. It cuts off the blood flow, or it creates a bleeding depending on the cerebral area that they hit go to cause extensive damage. In the areas concerned, in fact, cells die and consequently the functions managed by that area are lost. It can be hearing, sight, limb function, speech, and more.

After a event of this magnitude many people remain disabled. In Italy, according to the data of the Ministry of Health occur approx 90,000 hospitalizations a year due to cerebral stroke. But the data does not end there: approx 30% of people who have had a stroke die within 1 month of the event. Half of the patients instead within 1 year. Most of those affected who survive manifest a some kind of disability.

Here because preventing the onset of these events is essential to protect the collective health of people. Experts advise, among other things, to include certain foods in the diet.

Preventing ischemic stroke with nutrition is possible, here is the complete list of foods recommended by doctors

As we know, there are some factors that contribute to raising the risk of stroke. In addition to the family predisposition, we find the high pressureil cholesterolil diabetes, overweightbut also bad habits like smoking and alcohol. And if we think about it, hypertension, diabetes and obesity very often derive from a wrong diet.

It’s about a correlation, that between nutrition and stroke proven by many Scientific studies. Every year, in October, the World Day against Cerebral Stroke is celebrated. On one of these occasions, the World Stroke Organization showed the data and stated that at least 80% of ischemic events can very well be avoided thanks to prevention. Which means, among other things, adopting a healthy diet. And enriched with some foods particularly suitable.

In general, as we find on the website of the Ministry of Health we have to “adopt a correct diet, low in fats of animal origin (saturated fats) and cholesterol, low in salt and sugar. Carry out regular and daily physical activity; give up smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. “

Furthermore, in the diet we should include also these precious (and good) foods:

  • Among the fresh fruits, which are suitable for all and to be consumed in abundance, the apples, citrus fruits and pears stand out. It is also necessary to supplement with small quantities of dried fruit
  • Fish: salmon, swordfish, blue fish and trout
  • Whole grains
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil in moderate quantities to flavor foods
  • Dark chocolate

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