Wednesday, September 28, 2022

A unified scheme for the benchmarking of upper limb functions in neurological disorders

Survivors would actually prefer that you create a unified scheme for recovery of upper limb functions in neurological disorders. This is useless for survivor recovery.  Talk to survivors sometime, you'll get an earful.

A unified scheme for the benchmarking of upper limb functions in neurological disorders



In neurorehabilitation, we are witnessing a growing awareness of the importance of standardized quantitative assessment of limb functions. Detailed assessments of the sensorimotor deficits following neurological disorders are crucial. So far, this assessment has relied mainly on clinical scales, which showed several drawbacks. Different technologies could provide more objective and repeatable measurements. However, the current literature lacks practical guidelines for this purpose. Nowadays, the integration of available metrics, protocols, and algorithms into one harmonized benchmarking ecosystem for clinical and research practice is necessary.


This work presents a benchmarking framework for upper limb capacity. The scheme resulted from a multidisciplinary and iterative discussion among several partners with previous experience in benchmarking methodology, robotics, and clinical neurorehabilitation. We merged previous knowledge in benchmarking methodologies for human locomotion and direct clinical and engineering experience in upper limb rehabilitation. The scheme was designed to enable an instrumented evaluation of arm capacity and to assess the effectiveness of rehabilitative interventions with high reproducibility and resolution. It includes four elements: (1) a taxonomy for motor skills and abilities, (2) a list of performance indicators, (3) a list of required sensor modalities, and (4) a set of reproducible experimental protocols.


We proposed six motor primitives as building blocks of most upper-limb daily-life activities and combined them into a set of functional motor skills. We identified the main aspects to be considered during clinical evaluation, and grouped them into ten motor abilities categories. For each ability, we proposed a set of performance indicators to quantify the proposed ability on a quantitative and high-resolution scale. Finally, we defined the procedures to be followed to perform the benchmarking assessment in a reproducible and reliable way, including the definition of the kinematic models and the target muscles.


This work represents the first unified scheme for the benchmarking of upper limb capacity. To reach a consensus, this scheme should be validated with real experiments across clinical conditions and motor skills. This validation phase is expected to create a shared database of human performance, necessary to have realistic comparisons of treatments and drive the development of new personalized technologies.


Neurological damages following stroke, spinal cord injury, and other neurological or neurodegenerative disorders can result in severe impairment of sensorimotor functions, affecting functional activities, independence, and eventually the quality of life. This is particularly true for the upper extremities, which are fundamental to interact with the environment and perform activities of daily living [1].

In the context of neurorehabilitation, assessing upper limb movements is crucial to monitor and understand sensorimotor recovery [2]. Technology-aided assessments could provide the clinicians with objective, accurate, and repeatable measurements of a patient’s capacity, allowing them to monitor his/her progress objectively, evaluate the effects of the different treatments or adapt them to the specific patient’s needs [3]. Nevertheless, so far, the evaluation of limb functions and the assessment of the effectiveness of technology-assisted interventions have relied mainly on clinical scales [4, 5]. Clinical scores applied to the upper limbs have several drawbacks, such as relying on observer-based ordinal scales (e.g., Functional Independence Measure), having poor inter-rater and intra-rater reliability, and floor and ceiling effects (e.g., Fugl-Meyer Assessment) [6,7,8]. Consequently, they also often fail to differentiate between improvements at motor recovery level and improvements due to alternative compensating strategies [9].

Many instrumented approaches, including kinematics, electromyography (EMG), or brain activity analysis, can be exploited to support the subjective evaluation performed by the clinician, enhance the understanding of the patient’s improvement, and provide a better understanding of the relationship between the mechanisms of cortical reorganization and motor recovery [10,11,12]. These measurements are commonly named biomarkers. Sensor-based approaches, considering, for example, optoelectronic systems, inertial measurement units, or EMG sensors, have been shown to apply to various tasks [1, 7]. Recently, robotic devices, such as exoskeletons, have emerged as a novel solution for assessing movement behavior during an intervention, exploiting data acquired by the integrated sensors [13, 14]. Robots allow recording and analyzing measures concurrently from multiple joints during a well-controlled and highly repeatable task. Moreover, they can actively perturb the patient’s movement to investigate neuromuscular control and related dysfunctions [2].

In the last years, hundreds of studies have exploited biomarkers to evaluate limb capabilities, assess the efficacy of rehabilitation interventions, or understand the implications of using robotic devices for rehabilitation. This resulted in a plethora of potentially helpful evaluation methods and protocols [11, 15,16,17,18]. This variety of quantitative outcome metrics is particularly noticeable for the upper limb functions, being the target functions more varied and complex than for the lower limb, where both gait protocols and sensors-based outcome measures are more established and recognized in clinical and research contexts.

In recent years, we are observing a growing awareness of the importance of benchmarking [19]. Benchmarking can be defined as standardized evaluation. It consists in measuring the performance of a system with a set of metrics, which are then compared to a set of standards or points of reference, namely the benchmarks. The adoption of benchmarking promotes the development and use of standardized and reproducible tests able to provide quantitative evaluation and comparison of systems [20]. So far, its application to the neurorehabilitation field is still missing [15].

Systematic benchmarking methodologies have been recently promoted by two European initiatives: the EUROBENCH project “European Robotic Framework for Bipedal Locomotion Benchmarking” ([21],, and the EU COST Action CA16116 “Wearable Robots for Augmentation, Assistance or Substitution of Human Motor Functions” ( The EUROBENCH project developed the first benchmarking scheme for lower-limb exoskeletons and prostheses, creating a sustainable “benchmarking infrastructure” composed of a testing facility and a set of algorithms and metrics able to quantify a wide spectrum of motor abilities related to bipedal functions [19]. The EU COST Action triggered a European-wide discussion on the evaluation of the upper extremities in neurorehabilitation using technology [22]. Nevertheless, EU COST Action only provided general guidelines for the best practice regarding upper extremities evaluation without proposing a real benchmarking procedure.

While for lower limb functions, some ongoing researches have already adopted or proposed benchmarking methods [23,24,25,26], in the upper limb field, the benchmarking approach is still missing [3, 22, 27, 28].

This work aims to develop the first benchmarking framework for evaluating upper limb capabilities in clinical and research settings. The proposed scheme includes: (1) a taxonomy that identifies and classifies the relevant upper limb motor skills and motor abilities, (2) a selection of outcome measures and performance indicators able to quantify each motor ability, (3) the required sensor networks to extract the outcome measures, and (4) a set of standardized protocols that should be followed to obtain comparable results. The potential application of this benchmarking scheme is twofold: (1) to perform an instrumented evaluation of the upper limb capabilities of a subject with a neurological or neurodegenerative disorder, and (2) to assess the effectiveness of rehabilitative interventions by analyzing patients’ motor performance at different checkpoints (e.g., before and after treatment).

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