Saturday, October 22, 2022

National survey to improve stroke services -UK

 WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!  You want to improve RESULTS not services! Every survivor should blast them for not getting 100% recovered. I'm sure the survey will be completely biased so you'll have to work to register your disgust.  Open ended questions are great for stating how badly they are doing. Regardless of what the question is, just blast away.

National survey to improve stroke services - UK

Our NHS Trust is taking part in an exciting new initiative to improve stroke patients’ experience.

The Stroke Patient Reported Experience Measures Survey (PREMS) will be the first of its kind, and will capture positive patient experiences, as well as letting us know where we need to make things better.

PREMS is a partnership project with the Stroke Association and NHS England.

The information below tells you more about the survey and how your personal information will be used to carry it out. The survey is voluntary, and you can choose not to take part.

This Trust will soon be taking part in a national survey to find out what patients think about their stroke care.

All NHS stroke patients who received treatment and/or therapy between 16/05/22 and 16/09/22 will receive a copy of the survey.

This is part of a national programme to improve stroke patients’ experiences.

Taking part is voluntary

The survey will be carried out by an independent company, under a signed agreement with NHS England in partnership with the Stroke Association.

Section 251 support has been recommended by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care following advice from the Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG), who are an independent advisory group which includes lay representation. This allows Trusts to share your details without your consent.

Regulation 5 of the 2002 Control of Patient Information Regulations provides a lawful basis for confidential patient information to be processed for medical purposes. If you have opted out via the National Data Opt Out, your information will not be disclosed by your Trust.

If you do not wish to take part, or have any questions about the survey, please contact us:

Patient Experience Team: 01228 814309

Patient Experience Team Cumberland Infirmary, Newtown Road, Carlisle, CA2 7HY

For more information about the survey and how your information will be used, please visit

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