Sunday, October 2, 2022

Stroke Symposium planned at St. Mary Medical Center - Hobart,IN

Go there and keep asking the same questions.

1. How do I get to 100% recovery?

2. What are you SPECIFICALLY DOING  to get survivors to 100% recovery? Laugh maniacally if they suggest guidelines, guidelines are worthless. You need EXACT PROTOCOLS.

3. How are you getting to 100% recovery when you are the 1 in 4 per WHO that has a stroke.  Make it personal to the speakers.


Hemming and hawing are not allowed. Neither is the craptastic saying; 'All strokes are different, all stroke recoveries are different'. Do not let them off the hook until they answer.

Stroke Symposium planned at St. Mary Medical Center - Hobart,IN

Stroke Symposium planned at St. Mary Medical Center

St. Mary Medical Center in Hobart

St. Mary Medical Center will host a symposium next month on the fifth leading cause death in the United States. The “Time is Brain” stroke symposium is scheduled for 8 a.m. to noon Oct. 13 at Community Healthcare System's medical center at 1500 S. Lake Park Ave., Hobart.

Free health screenings, vendor booths and continental breakfast will be offered at 8 a.m. Then, emergency medicine physician Lauren Rutili, neurologist Mark Simaga, and cardiologist Kais Yehyawi will make presentations on various topics and stroke patients will share personal stories of defeating the disease, which is the leading cause of disability in the United States.

The American Heart Association estimates 80% of strokes can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and controlling risk factors like quitting smoking.

"If you or someone you care for smokes or vapes, please seek help. St. Mary Medical Center offers cessation classes, and has free tools to help you be successful," Comunity Health said in a press release. "Move more. Active adults are 25 to 30% less likely to suffer a stroke. Keep blood pressure in control. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is the leading cause of strokes."

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