Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Over 31,000 missed out on stroke treatment due to ambulance delay increases

 That's not a valid excuse, regardless of when you present to the hospital with a stroke you should still get treatment that gets you 100% recovered.  You're saying incompetency invalidates your requirement to get survivors fully recovered! BULLSHIT!

Over 31,000 missed out on stroke treatment due to ambulance delay increases

New figures show that 31,388 stroke patients missed out on treatment due to being outside of the time window when the treatment can be administered. This news come after the ICG blamed long ambulance queues last week on a lack of social funding.

A new report from the Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) shows that rates of patients receiving thrombolysis, a lifesaving clot busting drug, has fallen from 10.7% in 2020/21 to 10.4% in 2021/22.(Well, you do know that thrombolysis is a complete failure, only 10% get to full recovery from it.)

In addition, new ambulance response data released last week shows that more than 32,000 people with emergencies, including suspected stroke, who called an ambulance in October 2022 waited over two hours for it to arrive.

Mike Padgham, Chair of Independent Care Group, said: “The gridlock in local hospitals is largely down to a lack of available care in the community for people when they are discharged.”

“It isn’t surprising that there is nowhere for hospital patients to go, and it will unfortunately continue to get worse until the Government funds and reforms social care properly.”

Thrombolysis is a procedure where clot busting drugs are given to the patient, but they must be administered within 4.5 hours of onset of stroke symptoms starting to be safe and effective. Between 2016 and 2021, 34.2% of patients who failed to receive thrombolysis did so because they were outside of the time window and this has risen to 38.8% of patients in 2021-22.

Stroke units are under increasing pressure to treat patients. Worryingly, the proportion of ‘first class’ (A) and ‘excellent/quality’ (B) rated stroke services has declined from 70% ranked A and B in Jan – March 2020 to just over 37% in 2021/22. This is due to factors such as increased onset to arrival to hospital, which is now impacting on how many patients can have treatments such as thrombolysis.

Professor Martin James, Clinical Director of the national stroke audit SSNAP and a clinical trustee of the Stroke Association said: “SSNAP’s ninth Annual Report highlights the pressure that acute hospitals are under since the peak of the COVID pandemic. We’re seeing the worst access that we’ve ever seen to specialist care on a stroke unit.”

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