Friday, November 18, 2022

Stroke, an award for young neurologists - Italy

The only experts that should be judging this research is stroke survivors for the closeness to 100% recovery of the protocol created and the robustness of the delivery system to survivors.  Anything less and all that research was wasted.

Stroke, an award for young neurologists - Italy

In Italy every year there are over 180 thousand people affected by stroke. Half of them recover completely or with minimal success. Within a year of the acute event, just over 20% die and the rest of the patients survive the disease with severely disabling results. It is the leading cause of disability and among the top three of deaths, along with heart disease and cancer. The conference “Early and late complications of cerebral stroke”, promoted by the Italia Stroke Association – Associazione Italiana Ictus, kicking off in Vibo Valentia, from tomorrow until 20 November, will take stock of this pathology and its outcomes and will also the occasion for the assignment of the national prize Hipponion | ISA-AII, the only one aimed at neurologists under 40, who have presented unpublished scientific works with particular characteristics of innovation.

“It is a call for proposals that has reached its eighth edition – declares Domenico Consoli, Scientific Coordinator of the symposium, creator and President of the award – and which has traditionally always seen a numerically and qualitatively important participation of the main national study groups, as proof of the liveliness of Italian research on cerebral stroke. We have preliminarily selected 12 among dozens of articles sent to the Commission. The young neurologists, who will have the opportunity to present their work to the experts, will be evaluated for originality, innovation, scientific depth, potential impact, presentation and interaction skills with their senior colleagues. The two winners will receive a cash reward, but the true value of the comparison is the recognition of the community of leading Italian stroke experts”.

The conference will explore the mechanisms related to pathophysiological evolution, neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration (with the implications of potential neuroprotectors), reperfusion disorders, restenosis and reocclusions, with particular regard to neurovascular interventions, related devices and reperfusion techniques. “We will also pay attention to atherosclerotic Parkinsonism and psychocognitive complications, from cognitive defects to delirium, dementia, depression and behavioral disorders. There will be a focus on epileptic seizures in the acute phase and on epilepsy in the chronic phase. Also of great interest is the comparison of spasticity and related conditions, such as pain, functional limitations and postural damage. Finally, the correlation between pre-existing cardiocerebrovascular risk factors, such as arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia, diabetes, atrial fibrillation and carotid stenosis, will be considered. The more purely conference phase will represent a serious moment of reflection on the healthcare organization and on how much this affects the possibility of preventing some complications with expert, dedicated and competent assistance”, concludes Consoli.

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