Wednesday, December 21, 2022

A unified scheme for the benchmarking of upper limb functions in neurological disorders.

This should have been done decades ago, because with NO OBJECTIVE DAMAGE DIAGNOSIS, you'll never get to mapping rehab protocols to such damage. And yet this is still done wrong because they are not quantifying the dead and damaged neurons in the brain to the deficits presented.

 A unified scheme for the benchmarking of upper limb functions in neurological disorders.

Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation , Volume 19(102)

NARIC Accession Number: J90162.  What's this?
ISSN: 1743-0003.
Author(s): Longatelli, Valeria; Torricelli, Diego; Tornero, Jesús; Pedrocchi, Alessandra; Molteni, Franco; Pons, José L.; Gandolla, Marta .
Publication Year: 2022.
Number of Pages: 20.
Abstract: Study developed a benchmarking framework for evaluating upper-limb capabilities in clinical and research settings. The scheme was designed to enable an instrumented evaluation of arm capacity and to assess the effectiveness of rehabilitative interventions with high reproducibility and resolution. It includes four elements: (1) a taxonomy for motor skills and abilities, (2) a list of performance indicators, (3) a list of required sensor modalities, and (4) a set of reproducible experimental protocols. Six motor primitives were proposed as building blocks of most upper-limb daily-life activities and combined them into a set of functional motor skills. The main aspects to be considered during clinical evaluation were identified and grouped them into ten motor abilities categories. For each ability, a set of performance indicators were proposed to quantify the proposed ability on a quantitative and high-resolution scale. Finally, the procedures to be followed to perform the benchmarking assessment in a reproducible and reliable way were defined, including the definition of the kinematic models and the target muscles. This work represents the first unified scheme for the benchmarking of upper-limb capacity. To reach a consensus, this scheme should be validated with real experiments across clinical conditions and motor skills.

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Citation: Longatelli, Valeria, Torricelli, Diego, Tornero, Jesús, Pedrocchi, Alessandra, Molteni, Franco, Pons, José L., Gandolla, Marta . (2022). A unified scheme for the benchmarking of upper limb functions in neurological disorders.  Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation , 19(102) Retrieved 12/21/2022, from REHABDATA database.

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