Saturday, February 25, 2023

Robot-assisted rehabilitation of hand function

 Did your doctor, therapists and hospital do ANYTHING AT ALL with this from 13 years ago? Or do they not care about getting survivors recovered?  That is my opinion, that they don't care enough to lift their little pinky. Solving stroke is hard work; why do anything when the failed status quo is paying me?

 10% full recovery for normal rehab is an absolutely appalling failure rate! And you're paying for that?

Robot-assisted rehabilitation of hand function

 Purpose of review
Initial work on robot-assisted neurorehabilitation for the upper extremity aimed primarily at training, reaching movements with the proximal sections of the upper extremity.However, recent years have seen a surge in devices dedicated to hand function. This review describes the state of the art and the promises of this novel therapeutic approach.
Recent findings
Numerous robotic devices for hand function with various levels of complexity and functionality have been developed over the last 10 years. These devices range from simple mechanisms that support single joint movements to mechanisms with as many as 18 degrees-of-freedom (DOF) that can support multijoint movements at the wrist and fingers.The results from clinical studies carried out with eight out of 30 reported devices indicate that robot-assisted hand rehabilitation reduces motor impairments of the affected hand and the arm, and improves the functional use of the affected hand.
The current evidence in support of the robot-assisted hand rehabilitation is preliminary but very promising, and provides a strong rationale for more systematic investigations in the future.
hand impairments, robot-assisted rehabilitation, stroke
Curr Opin Neurol 23:000–000

 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins1350-7540

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