Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Optimism Bias

 I'm a complete optimist.  The glass is not half full, it is completely full; half water, half air.  Life is great even with my now differently abled body.

In the book 'The Optimism Bias' is the line; Optimism biases human and non human thought. It takes rational reasoning hostage, directing our expectations toward a better outcome without sufficient evidence to support such a conclusion. 

Debbie Hampton   talks about this slightly differently;

In his book Uncovering Happiness: Overcoming Depression with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion, Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D., posits that your brain has built-in natural antidepressant tendencies which you can access and cultivate. They can be harnessed to keep a brain from becoming depressed, prevent relapse, or uncover more happiness in life. Understanding how depression works in your brain and how your bad habits contribute to keeping you stuck in a negative brain loop is essential to overcoming depression naturally.

According to Goldstein, you have five built-in antidepressants.










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