Monday, July 24, 2023

All about the UK Stroke Guidelines - for Physios

THIS is the whole problem in a nutshell; 'Guidelines' NOT PROTOCOLS! If you had protocols you would get an objective damage diagnosis, that would point to EXACT REHAB PROTOCOLS THAT WOULD DELIVER RECOVERY! If you can't see that, you need to get out of stroke and find an easier job. 

All about the UK Stroke Guidelines - for Physios


All about the UK Stroke Guidelines - for Physios

    Course4 Lessons

 This interactive webinar will explore the 2023 UK Clinical Guidelines for Stroke, focussing on the recommendations that are particularly relevant to physiotherapists including exercise, task-specific training and the amount of therapy.

On completion you will   
• be aware of the process of producing the guidelines
• be able to describe the main recommendations
• understand the evidence that supports the recommendations
• be able to discuss how the new guidance can be implemented
(Notice NOTHING on that you will get survivors recovered)

Part 1 – Introduction, method used to produce the guidelines, and ‘what else’ is in there: The Bobath thing;(WOW! Bobath should have been shitcanned since 2003.

My best therapist supposedly used it but I really think her competence came from her knowledge of anatomy.

Physiotherapy Based on the Bobath Concept for Adults with Post-Stroke Hemiplegia: A Review of Effectiveness Studies 2003)

rehabilitation potential; independent practice; remote rehabilitation; FES; UL therapy
Part 2 – The guidance on the amount of therapy and activity per day: The recommendations; the evidence behind them; how they can implemented
Part 3 – The guidance on exercise and how it can be delivered:  The recommendations; the evidence behind it; how they can implemented

NB. This is an interactive webinar, which I am running monthly. When you sign up, you choose which date you wish to attend. There will be a Zoom invite/link to join the webinar. There will also be a link to a google docs file which will allow access to all the accompanying resources -  a copy of the slides; the research papers discussed and resources to help you implement the guidelines. 

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